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They had been walking aimlessly, stumbling into alleys and streets, hiding from the barking street dogs, giggling at the lame jokes Junmyeon made and letting their hands brush against each other occasionally before pulling away getting flustered and other random stuff for god knows how long.

This is nice! I feel nice! This is how life is in the movies! I don't want to go back home! Not now, not tomorrow, not ever!
Was all Lay could think of the entire time.

He was finally away from all the screams and insults. He opened up to someone for the first time in years and his chest feels so light. Yes, he did miss Suho a lot. Suho had always been there for him. Suho was the only reason he was able to survive in that hell hole and now that he's not there, Lay felt suffocated. But he feels better after voicing out all of his pain and frustration to Myeon. He was someone whom Lay met only a few hours ago and yet, they spoke like ages old friends who held an important spot in each other's hearts. Lay feels comfortable. He feels content. For the first time in his life, he's not afraid of the consequences of being happy.

Why do I feel so happy? I wAnT tO dAnC-

"So.." Junmyeon began, breaking the silence. He too was having a lot of fun. Hell, he didn't want to go home at all but he had caught a glimpse of the pretty boy yawning cutely while covering his mouth and rubbing his eyes with his tiny balled-up fist a while ago. Junmyeon wondered if he was crazy for observing such tiny details of the man next to him. "Sleep time, don't you think?" 

Lay, who was previously staring at the white fluffy kitten rummaging through the trash cans, diverts his gaze towards Junmyeon before nodding his head with a gentle smile that almost dissolved Junmyeon into a puddle.

"i-is there any h-hotel nearby?" Lay questioned, his fingers twiddling with each other and his eyes looking at Junmyeon hopefully. He didn't want to spend another night at the local park bench. For the last two nights, he slept on the park benches. There were several reasons behind it. Firstly, Lay couldn't find any hotel. Secondly, he was too shy to ask anyone if they knew any place to get a good night sleep. Thirdly, the park was beautiful and reminded him of his childhood. It reminded him of all those times his parents played with him, helped him catch fireflies, made sandcastles with him. It reminded him of the good old days when he looked forward to going home, the days before his parents found out he liked guys.

Junmyeon smiled, cooing inwardly at the cuteness of the little sheep. He wanted to take Lay home with him. No, he wasn't a perv or a pedophile. He was an ordinary guy with no attraction (maybe just a little) towards this pretty dimpled boy. He really wanted to take him home. But he wasn't sure if the guy was ready to go sleep at the house of a guy he met a few hours ago.

But what if... just what if he's ready to come home with me? What if my boring life will be filled with colours? Should I..give it a shot?

"Oh yes. There's this place I know. You can stay there for the night and they will also feed you heaps of cookies and ice creams." he responded quietly trying to suppress a grin as he watched the way Lay's eyes twinkled with excitement as he bounced on the balls of his feet.

After around 15 minutes of walking, they finally reached the place. Lay was beyond confused. He expected to be spending the night at a hotel - a nice one that offered him ice creams and cookies - but instead, they stood in front of a grey shaded apartment.

But...? Whose house are we going to?

"M-myeon, where are w-we going?" He whispered, grabbing a fistful of Junmyeons pastel blue shirt and tugging at it, while they were ascending the stairs.

Junmyeon just hummed in response, a soft smile playing on his lips. They reached the floor, which Lay assumed was the sixth, and he loosened his grip on Myeon's shirt, letting go of it. But before his hand could fall to his side, he felt the familiar warmth of long fingers coating his. He looked down to see junmyeon's hand bracing his own. A grin made its way onto his face before he diverted his attention to the wooden door in front of them which Junmyeon was unlocking using his keys.

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