Chapter 35

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Ricky and I fully move into our new apartment and finals passed as our holiday break gets closer. We were grateful that the weeks were passing quickly and we were getting closer to the day we would be traveling home together for the holidays.

Ricky had gone out for a run as I talked with Kourtney on the phone, packing up my suit case excitedly.

"No Kourtney, I don't need to pack a bathing suit to go home to my moms IN SALT LAKE." I laugh into the phone and I hear Kourtney gasp. "Don't say that, I want a Peter Kavinsky, Lara Jean moment with a hot tub and-" I cut her off with a laugh as I rub my eyes. "My mothers don't have a hot tub, neither will they ever just because of this conversation." Kourtney giggles and I hear her sigh. "Fine, then take extra blankets because weirdly, that's just as intimate as wearing absolutely nothing in scalding hot water." I smile and put my phone on speaker as I begin to fold up my sweatshirts to fit into my suit case. "That's actually not far off from my thoughts, I've planned a whole list of winter events to do with Ricky. And we're staying in my childhood bedroom. So it might be end up being a little too intimate." I giggle and I hear Kourtney laugh. "Well I'd hope so babe, you two are getting ready to do that forever for life thing." I grin, just thinking about it and nod. "Yeah but, I don't know. This is new territory for us. So regardless of how amazing this is... I'm scared." I conclude. There's silence on the phone line before Kourtney speaks. "Fear is a part of life girlie. And you're doing life with someone now, and you've got all of these people to consider, so of course you're scared. That's okay." She reminds me and I look down at my left hand, eying the beautiful engagement ring that rest there. "Yeah I suppose you're right." Kourtney laughs and I just know she's nodding proudly. "Of course I am. Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta-" I cut her off with a squeal. "GET READY FOR YOUR DATE TONIGHT!" I yell into the receiver and she giggles loudly, her hands audibly clapping in excitement. "You bet babe! I'll call you after. You don't leave until tomorrow morning right?" I glance at my suit case. "Tomorrow night probably. Ricky hasn't even started packing and I haven't called my moms to tell him we're coming together. I'd like to drag this out as long as possible." I laugh and I hear Kourtney snap her fingers. "Perfect, we'll catch up tomorrow morning then." I nod excitedly as we exchange goodbyes.

As another hour slips by I work up the courage to call my moms, (who celebrate the fact that I was coming home with my boyfriend and expressed their excitement in meeting him), I pack my suit case up completely and I move towards the apartment kitchen to start dinner. I knew I had to run to campus later in order to drop off my final music theory paper, so I wanted dinner to be ready by the time Ricky would be home.

I'm singing along to a Kacey Musgraves song when I hear the front door open and I peak around the doorway to see Ricky enter the apartment. He's bopping his head up and down to the music playing through his earbuds and when he finally sees me, his face breaks out into a massive grin. "Hey princess!" He rips his earbuds out of his ears and walks towards me. "Um no you don't. Not until you shower Ricky." He was sweaty from his run, and I wasn't up for being all gross before heading to campus. Ricky only grins brighter and pushes his curls off of his forehead. "Fine, give me five and then I want a kiss." He says, giving me a little wave before walking towards the bedroom. I slip back into the kitchen and serve the dinner that I was able to create, bringing two full plates of food into the living room.

I feel Ricky's arms around me before I see him. "Mm you smell good." I mumble as he leans in to press a kiss to my cheek, standing behind the couch. "That's always my intention, princess. I noticed you're all packed up for tomorrow, can you help me after dinner?" I nod as Ricky makes his way around the couch to sit next to me. His arm comes around my shoulders. "I have to run to campus to drop off my final paper for music theory but of course I'll help after." I say, pressing a kiss to his jaw before reaching forward to grab our plates of food. Ricky pecks my cheek before digging into the dinner I made. "Sounds good. Your moms know I'm coming along?" I nod and take a drink of water. "They're all filled in and excited to meet you." Ricky smiles and rubs his palm across his shorts. "That's what I like to hear." I give him an encouraging smile and rest my hand on his thigh. "Everything's going to go super well. Don't worry babe."

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