Chapter 1.

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If one were to ask Sloane, under the endlessly blue sky, if she was tired of being in this small village instead of exploring Eco, she wouldn't hesitate to say 'no'. Of course Slane, always taking care of the 3 devils that are her siblings, would have to say this to not make her mom go a tangent.

But, for now, she had a temporary bail from babysitting. Leaning on her rather meaty russet-toned forearms, she was watching the local kids play The Four Great Spirits. The vibrant rainbow leaves atop the pearly-white trees being pushed by whispers of the air.

The Four Great Spirits game is relatively simple, once you get the rules down. First, you need to twelve people & a water bucket to start.

"C'mon guys, let's all get into four groups of three! I'll be the Scorch spirit!" Noah, Sloane's oldest brother, seemed like he was taking initiative. The other kids started fighting not over the Aero or Aqua spirit, but over being the Forest spirit, since that's what represented the village's continent.

Second, once all of the spirit positions had been filled, the remaining eight needed to decide whether which race they wanted to be. How chaotic it was.

"Ooh! I'll be the scary Goliath!"

"Scary? I'll show you scary by being the Manticore!"

"Puh-lease, I'm the Giant that can literally crush you all."

"Meh, I'll just be a Human."

The rest went on to choose the Unicorn, Mermaid, Elf, and eventually the Yeti.

Third, without others looking, each of the races need to flip a coin - minus the four spirits. If it's bottoms, then they would do whatever their respective spirit orders them to do. If it's tops, they're considered 'evil' and cannot serve their spirit. Instead, they can serve another spirit.

Fourth, when everyone had a team to play for, each team had to go up against one team & duel them in rock-paper-scissors. Each servant represented one more chance to eliminate a single servant from the opposing side. When one team runs out of servants, the winning team gets to punish them with a punishment unique to their spirit. If the Scorch spirit won, the losers would have to stare at the sun for 10 seconds. If the Aqua spirit won, they'd dunk their enemies with water/ If the Forest spirit won, they'd have them each eat an insect. Finally if the Aero spirit won, the opposing team would have to spin in a circle until they got dizzy. 

"Okay," said Noah "everyone start flipping your coins!"
Thump! Thump!

Last but not least, only the servants could participate in rock-paper-scissors: the spirits could only sit there idly as the game progressed. The game would continue on once the two pairs of team determined a winner, and the last two teams standing would repeat the process with all their servants available once more.

Noah had a triumphant look on his face as both coins flipped to bottoms. "Suck it up LOSERS! Time for you two to obey my every will"

"Starting with you," Noah said, referring to his Elf. "Fetch me the nearest apple & bring it to me! Human? You bring me the coldest glass of water you can find."

"Uhh, Big Bro Noah?" Zani interjected. "Being a Spirit means that your servants help you win the game. It doesn't mean it's an excuse to be laz-".

"I SAID BRING ME A GLASS OF WATER, HUMAN," Noah scoffed. "And it's Scorch Spirit to you."

"Hey, Mark!" Sloane yelled, "Punk, don't act so smug like they haven't noticed you're cheating!" Although she was born blind in her right eye, she had amazing vision in her remaining eye with adept spatial awareness from years of hunting out in the wild. Spotting a misdemeanor was a walk in the park for her.

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