Chapter 2

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A/N So this is basically two short chapters stuck together, I just figured It might be disappointing if they were really short and side note, the way I structured this, they were not really supposed to be chapters exactly and thus, were not chapter length. :)

I cornered her again outside of school. I hadn't been sure where I could find her but she had been outside trying to walk home while expertly avoiding my gaze. Despite her obvious signals to 'go away' I walked over to her confidently. "What's wrong with your eyes?"

She looked both startled and annoyed by the question. "Is it so unbelievable that I was lucky enough to be graced with purple eyes?"

"Not you specifically but the theory in general, yes." I responded.

"I don't want to talk about it." She muttered.

"Do you want a ride home?"

Her eyebrows furrowed at me. "No. Why would I go with you? You would pepper me with questions and might even hold me captive unless I gave you the answers."

I shrugged. "You would get home faster."

"Not if you kidnapped me." She walked faster and I jogged to block her path.

"I won't leave you alone unless you give me some answers."

She looked up at me with an unreadable expression on her face and asked, "why are you so obsessed with my eyes?!"

Maybe it seemed creepy but something about the look in her eyes stopped me in my tracks. They weren't just an unusual color. There was something in them. It made me feel in a way I couldn't describe. I spent far too long just standing there, even as she moved around me and headed home, I just stood there thinking about it.


Amelia sat on her couch holding a book she couldn't finish. She had already completed her homework because most of it had been done in class. 

And now her mind was running through the events of the day. The bullying had been worse than usual, and it jarred her how close they had come to the truth even with their weightless taunts. 

Her mind moved over to the other important event that had happened. Ethen's questions. He had noticed her eyes (which no one ever seemed to) and he had been pressuring her to talk to him which, to be honest, wasn't good. She needed to find a way to dissuade him. Amelia couldn't let them both be endangered. The P.O.A.C.H.E.Rs wouldn't spare anyone.

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