Akashi smiled.."Can I buy all the woods?" Akashi smiled at Kuroko.."eh..all of it??" Kuroko's eye's widened a bit.

"B-but its too much to--" Kurok was cut off by Akashi who gave him the money in one pouch.."here, You can Take these Instead"

Kuroko was stunned at The emperor Infront of Him..He was speechless and couldn't spoke.."B-but what about--" he was Cut off again when Akashi speak to him "Don't worry about me..


Kuroko was stunned that he called him by his first name, when Akashi hold one of his hand put the pouch that full of golden coins on his hand, When Akashi touch it, it was so warm that he didn't want to let go.

And yet, he has no choice but to let go of it..

"Take it" with a smile on his face and Kuroko smiled brightly and bowed at him and says "Thank You very much" to the emperor, as the Boy waves with a happiest smile that Akashi couldn't forget the boy's smile. Akashi put his hoodie again..

'I guess his special..'

The emperor thought with a smile across his lips.


Kuroko was holding the pouch that his family needs and He was still carrying some woods to sell and when he goes out at the tree's like his in the forest, he bumped into someoen, he was quite tall and wearing blue armor..

"I-Im sorry" Kuroko bowed respectfully and The boy look down "oh its ok!" He said and help Kuroko to carry the woods.
Kuroko can see he has a tanned skin male and a dark blue eye's..

"Thank you for helping me carrying them" Kuroko spoke respectfully "oh its ok, no need to respect ya know! By the way what's your name?? are you new from this Kingdom??"

He asked so many questions and Kuroko just sigh himself. "My name is Kuroko Tetsuya, I just visit here for my Grandmother" Kuroko smiled at the big tanned male beside him.

"My name is Aomine Daiki! And By the way, I think this is far as I can help, Thank you for visiting for out Kingdom, I aprecciate it" Aomine smiled at boy and walk out "See ya Tetsu!!!"

He shouted from a far, Kuroko couldn't tell what Nickname he got but he smiled and make new Two friends..

When he got home..He couldn't tell what could happen but when he Got home he spoke "mother, how are you?" No answer..


Kuroko who spoke and His eye's turn pale when His mother didn't woke up but he cried and hug his own mother who didn't woke up.

He don't know but he was so late to buy some medicine for her..

"I'm sorry.. I was late" Kuroko who sobbed beside his mother..

In a Minute later, he make a grave for his mother's death and he can tell that his own father didn't care. What will he do?.. Kuroko just cry into his mother's grave.

And he heard the door open from the front and he goes inside the door that his father is drunk and alcoholic and he spoke shakily.."f-father..H-here some money.." Kuroko smiled sad and his father takes it..

"This! This is only the money! Are you a spoiled son!!" The father shouted that he hit his own son and Kuroko just cried and don't know what to do in his life.


As for the King who just Go inside his Castle.."Your Highness, there some other Kingdom that you need to visit"

The green haired male spoke that he adjust his glasses.."I see.."

Akashi smile a little that he remember the boy and the green hair maled knight shivers down the spine that it was the first time the King Smile.

"Ready the carriage then, By at Dawn" the King Commanded and the green haired male nodded and Bow as he walk off.

The King sat on the chair in his terrace and some  maid bring him some cup of tea and he take a sip..

"Let's meet again..someday...Kuroko Tetsuya"

A smiled across his face and it was refreshing to see it that the Boy was really special infront of the Emperor..

And the Emperor looked at the sky..and

have a smile on his lips...

But the King was still thinking of who slap the bluenette..

The King Emperor's Belonging PetWhere stories live. Discover now