a walk in the town

Start from the beginning

"this is cool and all, but how are you going to fake a fifth finger?" Callum asked.

"Hmm, we're going to need some kind of hand disguise" Rayla said and looked around, and shortly after she started rushing to something.

"Ah, a snow elf!" I said and went with Rayla.

"Pretty sure that's a snow man" Ezran said and him and Callum started following us.

The 'snow man' was wearing a pair of gloves, Rayla took them and put them on her hands and showed us "hand disguise!" She wiggled her hands in front of us, but it was clear that she does not have pinkies under those gloves.

"Just don't shake hands with anyone" Callum said to Rayla then turned to me "but what about you?" He asked.

"Oh, don't worry about me" I said and put my hands in my pockets "I'm not planning on shaking any hands ether"

"Ok, very well then! Let's go" Callum said and started making his way to the town.

I started following him, so did Rayla, but she stopped and ran back towards the 'snow man', I turned back to look at her. She took the 'snow mans' nose and broke it in half, and put the two pieces on his head

"Snow elf" she said and let out a little laugh, she looked at me proudly, and I couldn't help but laugh a little myself. She quickly ran past me, grabbing me by my arm, and we quickly cought up to the boys.

We walked into the town, the streets weren't so crowded, everything seemed fine for now.

"Just walking in the town with no care in the world, despite my sub-century life expectancy" Rayla said whilst walking overly confident. I just smiled to myself and shook my head.

"Shhh!" Callum turned towards us but soon turned back.

"That's the spirit!" Ezran said to Rayla.

"Indeed it is" I said whilst looking at her with a smirk.

Callum suddenly stops and puts his arm out in front of us, signaling for us to stop, we arrived at what seemed like the town center, there was a crowd of people, I slapped Callums hand away, and just kept going, i wanted to know what all this was about.

In the center stood a man, he was telling everyone a story about how much of a hero he is. Man, I already call bullshit.

"I wager that i could beat anyone here with nothing but my dagger!" He said and started looking around at everyone, searching for someone to challenge. His eyes fell on me "You, with the hood over your head"

I was a little surprised about him calling me out like that, but I soon recovered "Oh, you're on!" I said and started walking towards him whilst cracking my knuckles, but Rayla grabbed me by my arm and pulled me back.

"Oh no you don't!" She said, I just scoffed and suddenly there's a giant man in the middle.

"I'll take the bet" he said with a deep voice and pulled out a giant sword "this isn't even my biggest sword!"

Everyone around started yelling "I'll take that bet!" "My money's on the big guy!" "Mine too!" And stuff like that. C'mon there's no way that little boy-man can beat the giant man-man.

The smaller man started taking out his dagger, it was glowing, then I understood that it's a goddamn good thing I did not go against him "a sunforge blade" I whispered to myself.

"Ok, they're distracted, let's go" Callum whisper-yelled.

Rayla grabbed his arm to stop him "wait, you're gonna wanna see this" she said and pointed at the fight that was about to go down.

A Change Of Heart (Rayla x Moonshadow Elf!Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now