Ch. 5

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**light fluffy-smut**

Early the next morning sunlight forced its way in through the curtains and shone down of Diana's face. Diana groaned as she rolled over in bed, her arm stretched out to feel around for Kylo's body. All she felt was an empty space and cold sheets. It was obvious that he had been up for hours. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she threw back her side of the blankets and pushed herself up out of bed. A shiver rolled down her spine as she reached for her robe and trudged her way downstairs to the kitchen. It was the weekend and normally she could find Kylo in the kitchen either cooking breakfast for them or sitting at the table with a cup of cold coffee as he went over client files or other business paperwork. As usual she could smell the delectable scent of homemade vanilla pancakes and fresh coffee, her eyes fluttered shut for a moment at the sweet smell. "Good morning, babe." She muttered sleepily as she continued into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

A deep chuckle answered her followed by a, "Good morning, Miss Diana."

Her eyes flew open and landed on Ushar's face. He smiled back at her. She shot him a glare and demanded to know where Kylo had taken off to so early. As of late anytime that he left her alone or he knew that she was going somewhere by herself he made sure that one of his bodyguards were glued to her side. She knew that with his new position at First Order Tech that he might be considered a target to some people since they dealed in weapons, but she never imagined that she would have to be watched over like a child as well.

"Relax he went to go get you Starbucks and to pick up your dress for the charity event." He told her as he flipped a pancake. "He sent me over here to watch over you and I decided to make you some breakfast." Her eyes narrowed at him. "I hope that's okay, he said he normally makes you breakfast on the weekends." He added quickly. She watched as the man squirmed under her cold gaze. "Whatever." She mumbled and let her head fall onto her arms. She let him go about his business finishing the food and cleaning up her kitchen. Soon after Ushar had finished the pancakes Kylo walked in with her coffee and dress. She smiled gratefully at him and took the cup out of his hand.

Ushar walked over to Kylo and handed him his own cup of coffee, "Black like your soul." Kylo chuckled softly then flipped him off before turning to Diana.

"Morning babe." She repeated, Ushar smirked and sat down across from her at the table. She was about to dismiss him but then Kylo chimed in and told him to wait for him in the security office while he chatted with his fiancé.

"Did you sleep good?"

She nodded her head and pulled her hair up into a loose bun on top of her head. She sighed and got up from the table to grab the syrup from the cabinet. When she sat back down she noticed that Kylo had already scarfed down half of his stack of pancakes that Ushar had left for him. She rolled her eyes and poured the syrup onto her plate. It amazed her how he could put away so much food so easily and not seem to gain a pound meanwhile she had to watch everything she ate or else she'd blow up like a balloon. She always felt a bit of jealousy towards him for that.

"So what are you doing today?" She asked, she tried to keep her tone as casual as she could. She waited for his response, hoping that he would mention something about this woman and her child.

Kylo got up from the table and put his plate in the dishwasher. He shrugged his shoulders and glanced down the hall towards the security office. "I was thinking about getting some things finished up at work before calling Alicia."

And there it was. Her name. Diana's face wrinkled up in disgust as she listened to how it sounded coming out of his mouth. She hated how it just seemed to roll off his tongue so easily; she felt like she wanted to throw up, she hadn't even met the woman yet and already just sound of her name made her sick. But she had to play nice. At least for the time being. If she wanted to get rid of this woman properly she had to play her cards right and if that meant being nice and supporting Kylo then that's what she had to do. "I want to meet her." She said as casually as she could manage.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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