Ch. 4

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After they had dropped Alicia off at her apartment he took Rey and Leia to Sugar Factory over in the meat packing district. While they had some deserts he had drove back to the east side of Manhattan and picked up some paperwork for Diana's next charity auction. He wasn't the biggest fan of these events but he put up with them just for his fiancé. She was always the one who was the brains behind these events and he ended up being her arm candy while she made connections and convinced people to donate as much as they could give. When he got back in his car he had called her and told her that he had the paperwork for her. The event that she had coming up was a fundraiser for a new hospital being built out in Suffolk county. As much as he wanted to get out of going to another charity event he knew he had to be there to keep appearances up, not only for her but for himself as well. He sighed heavily as he climbed back into his car. Right as he was about to pull away from the curb he heard a loud knock on his window. Outside of his vehicle stood his father. The older male motioned for Kylo to roll his window down. He did so and put his car back in park. He watched as his dad leaned down to where they were eye level with each other and placed his hands on the top of the car.

"What do you want dad?" He asked through gritted teeth. The fact that his dad had made the effort to come down to Manhattan and track him down didn't sit well with him. For years he hadn't seen either of his parents and he had finally grown comfortable with them being absent in his life.

"I heard from your uncle Luke that your old high school fling has shown back up in your life." He said as he glanced around at the people that were passing by them.

Kylo kept his hands on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white as he stared ahead not wanting to make eye contact with his father. He knew where this conversation was going and he knew that if he looked his father in the eye then he would more than likely punch him right in the face.

"Have you seen her at all? Your mother and I are worried ya know? She caused a lot of problems before graduation and we just don't want her to interfere with-"

"The only people interfering with my life have always been you, mom, and Luke!" He snapped and jabbed a finger in his father's direction. "And don't even try to say that you're all worried about me, the only thing the three of you have truly ever been worried about was if I would follow in your footsteps and carry on the family business and name." His father's eyes grew wide with shock. "And quite frankly I have had enough of it! By this time next month I will no longer be working for Solo Industries, I'm going to be Senior VP at First Order Tech!" With that he threw his car into drive and sped away from the curb. Horns blared and tires screeched as he merged his way into the lane. People yelled profanities at him but he didn't care. As he sped through the intersection his phone began to buzz in his jacket pocket. He reached in and pulled it out, his screen was lit up with a text from Rey asking if he was on his way. Yes, on my way now. He replied back to her and threw his phone into the backseat of his car.

Once Rey and Leia were done at Sugar Factory they had walked the short distance to the entrance to High Line Park to kill some time until Kylo could meet up with them. Rey had read that High Line Park had been built on an old freight rail line that had been saved from demolition by some of the residents and city. All around them were various flowers, plants, art instillations and paintings. Some of the surrounding buildings had murals painted on them from top to bottom. The whole park itself was a beautiful little hidden gem that took her breath away at every turn. Leia loved looking at the plants and flowers but Rey was mesmerized by the murals and artwork. By the time that they had made it halfway through the park Kylo had texted her that he was parked near one of the entrances waiting for them. After they had gotten situated back in the car Rey called Alicia to see if she was still out job hunting. She was so Kylo had ended up taking them to Coney Island. Leia had wanted to play at the beach and build sand castles more than she had wanted to go on the rides or play any of the games. After they had called it a day and he was already halfway back to Alicia's apartment he had received a call to come back to the office to sign some documents. When he had arrived all of his men were waiting for him in his office. None of them had been expecting him to show up with Leia and Rey. While he took care of the documents Leia and Rey waited for him in his office. Neither Rey or Leia seemed to mind waiting, Leia had ended up convincing Vicrul and Ushar to play with her while Rey chatted with some of the other men. When Kylo had come back he caught sight of Leia sitting at his desk and ordering Vicrul and Ushar around his office. He smiled at the sight and noticed that she was just like him. Even at four years old she knew how to order people around and get them to do what she wanted.

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