Start from the beginning

"Yeah, well, I know you don't- you don't earn the Medal of Honor by stealing it." Daniel told him and you could tell he was hurt.

Johnny narrowed his eyes at his students, but Daniel wasn't finished yet.

"Let me tell you something about your sensei. He might teach you how to fight, but he doesn't know a thing about what it takes to truly win in life. If you want to help yourselves before it's too late, the doors to Miyagi-Do are wide open."

That made Johnny angry.

"You think you can come in here and poach my students?" He approached him.

Daniel held his arms out.

"And what are you gonna do about it?" He asked him.

They stared at each other for some time and you could practically cut the tension with a knife.

"You know, I'm not gonna strike first." Daniel mocked him.

"I'm gonna be a bigger man."  Johnny told him and backed away.

Daniel stemmed to be surprised.

"Yeah. We'll see about that." With that he turned around and left.

Suddenly Chris picked up his bag.

"Where do you think you're going?" Johnny asked him.

He didn't answer him.

"What the hell Chris?" His best friend Mitch asked him.

Chris looked at him with a sad look on his face.

"I never liked it here." He told him softly.

Maeve caught his eyes and smiled gently at him, which he returned before he left the dojo.

And with that others began to follow him.

Maeve just looked at her feet, she couldn't watch the hurt look on her dads face.

Johnny was angry at his students.

One of them had costed him a lot of his students, so he made them do burpees until that someone made himself known.

Maeve watched them with a grimace as they grunted and panted at all this exercise.

"This all could be over in an instant. The decision's yours! Who trashed the Miyagi dojo?" He asked them, yelling.

"Y'all know I'm no fan of LaRusso's, but that sort of bullshit we don't teach in here. At least not anymore." Johnny told them sending Kreese a look.

"So I'm gonna ask you again. Who trashed Miyagi-Do?"

Suddenly Raymond spoke up, panting really badly.

"It wasn't me, sensei. I would never disrespect another man's dojo-" But Johnny wasn't having it.

"Shut your cakehole, Chubs."

So he went back to doing burpees.

"I'm not looking for excuses. I'm looking for answers!" Johnny told them again.

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