wongyukei, qiankun

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Lucas POV:


sometimes, you make me

feel like i actually

have a chance

with you

but when i try to take that chance

you make me realize

i never did...

but i have moved on from

your hold

and freed from my love for you

and into a person

that truly cares and love me

for who i am.

Yours Truly, Y/n

(ps. please don't look for me again and lets forget about each other now)

When he read the note he felt heart broken because he knew that he was being stupid for ignoring his love for her. He thought that it was better that they stayed as friends because his relationships never lasted long and only for a couple of months and he thought that if they dated they would also break up quickly and therefore friendship would be broken, but now reading the letter that Y/n wrote to him it just also broke him into pieces in which he did not know how to put back together again.

While Lucas was reading the letter that Y/n sent him. Y/n was also sick and was dying from leukemia and was taking chemo, Kun was the person that delivered the letter to Lucas. Kun also knew about Y/n was sick and that all she wanted was for Lucas to forget about her. Kun wanted to help me complete her dying wish so for the next month or so they will be "dating".

Y/n POV:

"18 more days huuhh"

"stop trying to be negative"

"how can i when i don't even know when my heart is going to stop.. Kun"

"but i'm always going to be by your side okay. just remember that no matter what happens to you i want you to spend your lasts days spending time with me even though that you have rejected me, i just want you to be happy being with me even though that you don't feel that same way"

"i'm sorry. well you didnt tell me earlier that you had feelings for me and maybe if i did, we could have been together instead of wasting my time on someone that didn't acknowledge my fee-"

"hey Y/n, can we talk?"

"I don't think that would be a great idea, Lucas" said Kun

"please lets talk and talk everything out. I don't think that i could live another day without feeling the warmth of just being right beside you"

"Didn't you read my letter Lucas. lets stay away from each for about a month without talking to one another and check if you still want to be friends. that's all i ask, one month just acting like we don't know each other and check if u actually need me in your life because i don't you do, your perfectly capable of living your life without me so all i ask is one month, just one month of not talking to each other."

"if a succeed into not talking to you for a month will you let me talk to you again and plus i need to start planning on how i'm going to as-" * that was so look i'm such an idiot but like i need to start preparing a dinner date with Y/n and how i will ask her out YEEEEEEE i'm so excited*

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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