~Aiga x Ranjiro~

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The chaotic redhead and the considerably less chaotic blond. Also, they're best friends. Beautiful.

Frankly, I have NO idea why this ship isn't all over the fandom. There is more canon content for it than ANY other ship in Beyburst excluding Wakitaro or Sistaro or perhaps Shalt (well... Season 2)

It's also one of the... Well, healthier ships. As in, it's not toxic at all. Not like many Beyburst ships are (unless you write them to be like that...) But they are both just so wholesome that my heart bursts into uwus

Ranjiro is so supportive of Aiga, but at the same time he doesn't just take Aiga's crap. He calls Aiga out on it both times (once, when Aiga snaps at him, "It's none of your business!" And Ranjiro is like wtf did you just say, how is that not my business?!)

And then Aiga fucking Akaba... Apologises.

Now I definitely don't think that Aiga is an asshole. He might have been self-centred in the early days of cho-Z but he's improved a LOT and just look at Sparking,,, like,

Cheering up Hikaru??? He was so goddamn concerned and he didn't even know Hikaru that well, he didn't HAVE to cheer him up but he did??

Cheering up Ranjiro??? Like that video call scene was just the cutest, and Aiga is like "I'm gonna rip Lane apart for breaking your bey" and he's just so ❤️

Ahem, back on track. Aiga didn't HAVE to apologise to Ranjiro. Ffs, he doesn't apologize to Valt for breaking his bey (admittedly, I think he didn't really get what he was doing was wrong, or that he didn't have control over the battle because his "I will win cause I'm the super strong and invincible blader" mentality fucked up his resonance, but like that's beside the point.)

He apologizes to Ranjiro for just snapping at him and it just makes me happy because he swallows his pride to do that, indicating how much Ranjiro means to him.

Ranjiro evidently cares for Aiga a lot because I don't think simply anyone would follow someone into a creepy af alien tower. The message I got here was "I'll stick by your side forever" and I was as touched as Aiga seemed to be. Like, Ranjiro didn't have to go along with him, but he did, because he wanted to support Aiga and fuck, this guy followed Aiga into the darkness.

The Dread Tower arc was just one moment after another. Ranjiro is so protective of Aiga lmao

And Ranjiro evidently understands Aiga very well. He was able to pinpoint exactly what Aiga's problem was, not just Resonance but rather, "I always have fun when I battle... I think you used to as well but now you don't feel like that anymore. All you want to do is win."

Not the exact words but they're vaguely what I remember. And Aiga of course gets defensive and runs away screaming -_-

Aiga also understands Ranjiro because of that Count Night scene. He recognised who was the real Ranjiro because he knew Ranjiro wouldn't tell him to give up Achilles.

(So many hints!)

What I really like about this ship is that it's very much not one-sided. Aiga cares as much about Ranjiro as Ranjiro does about him. It's not very easy to see sometimes, but compared to the way Aiga treats some people during his dark Resonance phrase (and even in general) he treats Ranjiro MARGINALLY better.

And the fact that they stay in touch during Sparking is so sweet uwu

They had a fight and they resolved it in the cutest manner possible, and it left me squeeing like (≧▽≦)

There is SO much subtext for this ship that I'm surprised that more people don't ship it. In my opinion it's one of the best ships in the fandom.

They value each other's opinion, they respect each other, they're literally just the best friends ever and-

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