Part 4 - who and where?

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The next day was gloomy, the clouds had covered Seattle and poured rain over the city. Alex had assembled a small meeting in Meredith's living room. April, Jaxson, Derek and Cristina was there. All huddled around the coffee table. They all looked at each other, hopeless and worried. Jaxson was the first to speak his voice low and scratchy. 

"This guys from Boston right?" He asked Derek, his hands clasped together underneath his chin. All Derek could do was let out a sigh and nod. "What if this is where they are? I know people from Boston. Detective's." He told them. All of their eyes glued to him. 

"How?" Cristina asked, her eyebrows frowned in confusion 

"My mom." He mumbled as he looked it the small crowed of people in front of him. 

"What's his number?" Alex asked 

"It's a she and I don't have it." He sighed 

"Seriously?" Cristina snarled "It's not like this is life or death or anything." 

"That doesn't mean that we can't find a way to find her," April spoke

"How good is this chick anyway?" Alex asked 

"Good," Jaxson spoke "I just need to find her." 


The two sat on the floor of the dim room, it was silent, they couldn't hear what was even going on upstairs. Not to mention, either of them knew if the other was awake or not. All they knew was they somehow slept through the night. They knew the sun was just starting to shine through the window of the room. Out of the corner of her eye, Lexie could see Meredith rub her eyes in exhaustion and look over at her. Her eyes had dark circles underneath her eyelids and they were puffy.

"Hi," she muttered "How are you feeling?" She added, a hand rubbing an eye again.

"I think I'm okay. I'm scared," She exhaled "How are you?"

"Eh, I could be better." She told her

"I'm sorry for blaming you, it isn't your fault that were in this situation. You were just trying to help, then this happened." Lexie spoke, looking over at Meredith.

"Technically it is, it all is," She muttered "But i'm going to get us out of this, got it? I'll operate in this mans sister."

"It's not your fault Meredith," She scorned "Plus were in this together. If anything this is Jack's fault, he was the one who kidnapped us. Remember?" Lexie spoke. Meredith nodded looking over at her with a unhopeful look on her face.

"I messed with the trial and I also-" Meredith spoke

"Yes, but you did that to help someone, someone close to you!" Lexie interrupted. "Don't blame yourself, no one else but Jack is doing it. So don't let him get to you!"

"Derek blames me."

"Meredith." She sighed, she was running out of things to say. Meredith kept on turning her down every time she said something. This would be a great time for Cristina to just swoop in and give Meredith a lecture on life.

Just then tiny footsteps were heard walking down the stairs, stepping down slowly on each step. When the steps stopped, Annie popped her head around the corner. Seeing the two girls looking over at her with curious looks.

"Hi," The little girl muttered. She looked up at the top of the stairs and back over at the two people in front of her. "My uncle doesn't know I am down here, but I need to talk to you." She whispered, the two nodded, listening to her carefully. Waiting for anything that comes out of her mouth.

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