Chapter 1- New Term

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Vanessas POV

I have 4 lessons today, all english. I am not looking forward to how many notes the boys try and slip to me but, oh well, looks like the cleaners going to have a full bin to empty. Now here comes the first lesson of the day. 

About 15 students walked in and sat down. Missing 1. I scanned around the room looking for familiar faces that weren't here. Everybody that I knew was in their regular seats?Oh yes. The new boy. Of course he would be late trying to find his way around here. The bell rang so I got up from my desk to stand in front of the class. 

"Morning Class and for those who don't know me I am Miss Wright"

I got a few responses. I sighed knowing this term will not be fun. Yet again. There was a knock on the classroom door. I walked over and answered it. Mrs Connors was stood their with a blonde, very handsome boy. 

"Hello Miss Wright, this is your new student, Niall Horan, Niall, This is Miss Wright your English and Form Tutor"

"Welcome Niall, I hope you enjoy your time at this school"

I gave him a smile. 


He looked quite shy, but it was cute. VANESSA STOP IT. HE'S A STUDENT! 

"This way, I'll show you too your desk" 

I sat him at the friend so I can keep an eye on him. New students often get bullied. 

I showed the class the work and what I wanted them to do. I sat back down at my desk and couldn't stop thinking about Niall. Why? 

I kept on glancing up from marking the exercise books to look at Niall. Something about me made me want to look at him. His eyes. They were a shade of Blue that seemed uncommon, I'd never seen that colour before. His blonde hair was styled in his own way. A messy quiff. As I was admiring his special features he looked up. I quickly looked down at the exercise book. I looked back up and he was looking at me smirking. Oh shit. He must of seen me. I got up and walked to the end of the classroom as I had seen notes being passed between two students. 

"Katie. Maria. Give it now." 

I got a glare and a sigh from them both.


Maria handed me the note. I scrumpled it and walked back to my desk throwing the note in my drawer, but missing. I sighed and bent over to pick it up. I heard a wolf whistles. I turned towards the class. 

"Who was that?"

I glared scanning my eyes from student to student.

"Well, don't ignore me or all of you will be on detention for an hour after school, so own up!"

I looked at the back where most of the boys are.

"I did it"

I didn't see any of their mouths move. My eyes drifted to where the voice came from. My eyes widened. 


He started to blush. 

"Niall, you will be staying afterschool for a whole hour for your irrelevant response"

He looked at the floor as if it was the most fascinating thing he had seen. 

"Now get on with your work the lessons nearly over!"

He immediately started working. I didn't understand. First day. First lesson. He got a detention. I hope this boy isn't going to be a trouble causer. The bell rang.

The Student(Niall Horan Fanfic) ON HOLDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon