"Four-leaf clovers, huh?"

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I was watching walking skeletons
and their bones made me feel eerie
My eyes were in a trance
and my soul felt bitter.
After a while, they saw me too.

Maybe they felt me, the way I felt them?

I didn't know it, at first; but my body ran.
The skeletons chased me too.
Far down a muddy, slippery hill, we went
And at the bottom
I fell down onto a bed of dreams.

Believe me; there were stars mixed into it's essence
and there were four-leaf clovers amongst the twinkle
with good times, too.

I looked up out of the fluorescent vision
and the skeletons were gone.
Only traces of my muddy footprints were left
of my own unstable journey
to this new, brilliant place.

I fell back into my dream
Smiling to the thoughts
of the skeletons.

"...beautiful dreams, and the Skeletons-!"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant