45. How Tony Takes It

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With Tony:

    "And that is how..."

Tony drowned out the boring meeting he was in, worried about Peter. Peter was his kid, he'd trade everything just to keep him in his life. Yes, he was biologically not his, but he still loved him. Seeing the boy scared or anxious or in pain, just broke his heart.

FRIDAY's voice ringing through the room brought him back.

    "Sir, you are being asked to come to the Avengers floor."

He sighs and stands up, leaving the meeting. He walks out of the room, leaving the door open.

    "What is it now FRIDAY?"

    "He's awake."

He stopped in his tracks.


    "He's awake. He is with Ms. Romanoff on the Avengers floor."

Tony ran towards the elevator, running into Pepper on the way.

    "He's up!"

Her jaw dropped and rushed with him. Once they were in the elevator, it shot up to the Avengers floor. The two rushed out and saw Peter laughing, standing on the ceiling, the red-head scolding him.

    "Peter Natalia Romanoff, get off of the damn ceiling! Your father will be here soon!"

Peter laughed and jumped down, landing on his feet.

    "You're just mad that I beat you in a race up here."

Nastasha smiled and ruffled the boy's hair.

    "Sure I am."

Tony and Pepper were a bit awestruck.


The two looked toward the voice and Peter's eyes went wide.

    "H-Hey, Dad."

Tony lunged forward and hugged him tight. Peter, after being stunned for a bit, hugged him back.

    "Never do that again! God- I was worried! Thank god you're okay!"

He pulled away, placing his hands on the boy's shoulders.

    "You are okay, right? No pain, right? I mean, everything from that day mostly healed, but still! Are you okay?"

Peter smiles and nods his head.

    "So much better!"

His smile falls and he looks down.

    "I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys..."

    "Hey... It's okay."

Tony pulls him back into a hug.

    "I'm just glad you're okay."

Peter smiles and hugs him back, staying silent.

    "Tell ya what, How about we all spend the night together, huh? Shuri and T'Challa; Dr. Strange and Wong; Carol; The guardians; Thor and Loki. The whole gang! That okay with you?"

Peter smiles and looks up.

    "Of course!"

Peter Parker and The Avengers: Wrong Number AUWhere stories live. Discover now