50. Steve? - Part One: The Book Shop

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 "Bye, Aunt Pepper!"

"Thanks, Uncle Bruce!"

"Love you, Uncle Sam!"

"See ya, big bro!"

"Thanks, Uncle Thor."

"Fuck off, Uncle Scott! I'm winning!"

"Oh come on! Why the hell would you try that!? Mom's gonna kill us, Loki!"

In the past month, He had somehow made everyone smile just by calling them his family. Yes, it was crazy and weird and broken. But It was his. And he loved it.

Tony had a truckload of meetings and Steve saw his opportunity to take the four of them out for food and to just have fun. He knocked on Peter's door.

"Come in!"

The blonde walked in, smiling a bit. His blonde hair was messy, his t-shirt and jeans wrinkled a bit. Peter smiled at him. He was sitting on his bed, reading The Song of Achilles. He set the book down, swinging his legs to the side of the bed.

"Hey, Pete. I was thinkin' you, me, and the Twins could all go out. I figured we could all go get lunch and then go somewhere fun? Maybe you can each pick a place?"

The boy beamed.

"Yeah! Of course! Let me get ready. It should only take me a few minutes."

"Alright. We'll wait for you in the common area."


Steve smiled and shut the boy's door. Peter stood up and quickly changed, throwing on blue jeans, a White Tee (corpse reference-), Iron-Man-themed converse, and a black hoodie. He walked into the bathroom (it's connected to his room) and fluffed his hair. He smiled at the green string bracelet that laid on the sink's counter. It was a bit hidden under the red rubber band one, the purple beaded on, and the rubber silver on. He glanced down at his arms. Even though they were covered by the hoodie, he could still see every scar. He carefully put them on his left wrist, the order being silver, purple, and red, leaving the green one to be the one closest to his wrist. He smiled a bit and pulled his sleeve back down. He looked in the mirror, seeing tears starting to form. He wiped his eyes and smiled. I'm okay. He opened the door and walked out, and went into the common area. Wanda was using her magic to float while reading a book. Her hair was moving due to the magic, braiding itself. Pietro rolled his eyes, typing something on his phone. Steve smiled at the brunette.

"Hey, Peter. Ready to go?"

"Mm-hm. Where were we gonna go?"

Wanda smiled at him.

"I was thinking we could go to a book shop."

Pietro snorted at that.

"Only if we go to the arcade after."

Steve smiled.

"We can do both of those things." He turned to Peter. "Where do you want to go?"

Peter thought for a moment.

"The mall? It was both of those places... Plus, I'd like to get a Lego set. Ned was gonna try to get MJ to help us build a set, but they said I had to pick which one."

"Alright. The mall it is. It has all of those places and a food court, so it works."

Peter smiled. "Sweet. I'm gonna grab a mask."

Wanda tilted her head. "Why?"

"Don't wanna get recognized."


30 minutes later, they were in the mall. The four stayed together. Wanda talked to Pietro as she finished her hair, the bottom half being down and the top half in a braided bun, resting on the back of her head. (I suck at describing hair-) Peter squinted at the bright lights as he threw his hood up, trying to block it out. Steve frowned, wrapping an arm over the boy's shoulder.

"Too bright?" Peter nodded his head. Steve pursed his lips, thinking.

"I have sunglasses. You wanna wear them?"

The boy shook his head.

"I'm okay."


He followed Wanda around in the book shop, deciding that he wanted a few books, specifically Cemetery Boys; The ABCs of the LGBT; The Book Thief; Simon vs the Homosapien's Agenda; and Wonder. He liked re-reading books he borrowed from libraries and wanted to own the books he had already read, just to be able to reread them whenever. He had just enough to buy the five books and he couldn't help but smile. As he walked up to the store's clerk, his eyes went wide.

"Holy shit!"

He sat on the floor, setting the books next to him. Steve crouched down next to him, smiling.

"What'd ya find, Pete?"

"It's the limited edition, My Hero Academia manga collection!!! Including every MHA movie produced AND Class 1-A Figureins in their hero costume! Plus, their teacher Mr. Aizaiwa and the girl they saved, Eri! I've only heard of these!!!"

"Why don't you get it?"

Peter frowned as he looked at the price.

"In no way do I have enough. I've never had enough to even have a chance of buying it..."

"How much is it?"

"About 500 online plus shipping. Since it's in store, probably about 450 or so?"

The boy sighed, grabbing his stack of books and standing up.

"It's okay. I can just keep borrowing them from the library..."

He smiled.

"Maybe one day I can get it."

He walked to the clerk, checking out. He smiled and took his bag, waiting with Wanda and Pietro. Wanda beamed at the boy before gushing about a new book series she always wanted to read.

"Alright. I got what I needed. Let's head to the arcade."


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