I reach for my backpack, well when it was there.

Katy still has it.

"Oh, shit my backpack. Um see you later I guess?" I say patting the kids shoulder.

"Yeah I guess." he says smiling.

He has nice smile.

I smile back at him. Then run and snatch my backpack from Katy.

"Bye, see y'all at lunch if we don't have any classes together." I say giving Katy, then Sandy a quick hug.

"Bye y/n!" Sandy says walking away.

"Bye!" Katy says waving to me while trying to reach up with Sandy.

I go to the front office to get my schedule.

"Hey, I'm here to get my schedule." I say with a nice smile, to Mrs. Hall, the office lady.

"Hello, y/n, think you're going to have a good year this year?" She says while looking for my schedule, with a "let's not do what you did last year" look.

"Yeah, I hope so, but you know how she is, she starts them!" I say back at her in defense.

"I know, I know, but doesn't mean you should add on to it, here you go sweetie, hope you have a good first day." She says handing to me.

"You too, Mrs. Hall!" I say walking out.

I look down at my new schedule for the year.

"Great, I have math for first period." I say looking back up from the pice of paper,and start walking to the math class.

Room 126.

Then I start walking to look for it.

"Found it." I say to myself.

I walk in and sit in the second back row.

The kid I bumped into sat next to me.

The bell rings for your first class.

"Well I guess I was gonna see you later." he tells me while giggling a little bit.

Yeah I guess we where going to see each other later. But I'm not complaining or anything. He's kinda cute.

"Yeah I guess so." I say looking under my desk, checking for any gum.

And to my surprise, there isn't any.

"Why are you still wearing your backpack?" He asks me.

"Oh I don't know. I just forgot to take it off." I say sliding my backpack off my shoulders then laying it between my legs.

"Also, what were you looking for, under the desk?"he asks me.

"Just to see if there is gum, but there isn't any, so that's good." I answer him.

He then looks under his desk, comes up with a disgusted face.

"They didn't leave any gum for me!" He says jokingly, and I just laugh at it. "Also I didn't get your name earlier. But I'm Kurt, Kurt Cobain. The coolest kid you'll ever meet!" Kurt says and then put more enthusiasm while he says "ever".

More like the childish kid I'll ever meet. But that's okay. He's probably an "outcast" too, because we have the best humor.

"Well hello Kurt I'm y/n, y/n l/n (last name). And I think I'M the coolest kid. But I'll let you believe what you want to believe." I say to him mockingly.

"Sure, but I'm pretty sure I am." He says smiling.

He has the most fucking adorable smile, that I've ever seen.

"Okay class, I'm your math teacher, Mrs. Leers. And I expect a good first day. I want you to talk to the person next to you. And get to know them better because you'll sit with them for the rest of the school year." Mrs. Leers tells us.

"Okay, Kurt, uh, whats your favorite color?" I ask him.

"Well I don't really have a favorite color. But if I had to pick one it would be black. It's more simple."He tells me while looking up at the ceiling then back up at me.

"Oh that's nice my y/f/c (your favorite color) is my favorite color." I tell him.

"That's nice, do you think you wanna have lunch together y/n." He asks me while rubbing his neck.

Ill check to see if he is a popular kid, but he probably isn't.

"Do you like the popular kids and sit with them?" I ask because all of them try to start drama for no reason. And it's very annoying. Also, the queen of basic, likes to do that with me the most.

"Oh god no. No, they hate me,I hate them." He says with a face of disgust looking at me.

"Then, yes, I would like to eat with you at lunch. But can my friends sit with us?" I ask him.

"Yeah, but do your friends like the popular kids and sit with them?" He says smirking at me.

"No, same with me. I hate them they hate me. Me and my friends aren't popular which I'm glad about." I say thankfully.

"I have never seen so happy to be an outcast." He says smiling and shaking his head.

"I mean I think being popular is dumb. There is no point of it." I tell him.

"Yeah I guess." He says.

"Alright class, enough taking to your neighbor. We are now going to talk about what we are going to do for this semester." Mrs. Leers tells us.

"This is going to be so fucking boring." I whisper to Kurt.

"Yep." He says nodding his head then turning his attention to the teacher.

Me and Kurt are definitely going to be friends. And plus he is so adorable.

A/N- I wrote 1047 words. More words than I have done for an essay. I enjoy writing this story more than eating. And I love eating. But the next chapter/part is gonna be lunch. I'm going to try and publish it around three hours through five hours. Also sorry for the 1st grader title.

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