Chapter Twenty - What's Cooking?

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"I want a wife, not a maid, Ma."

"Maid won't cook for you with love, beta ji. A wife will." Shaila glanced at him and then at Khushi, trying her best to suppress a smile. "I think we should look at a few proposals once you come back next year."

"Seriously? You do have an idea of how old - rather how young I am, right, Ma?" Arnav added the rice and the daal to the saucepan. This was one conversation he was not prepared to be pulled into by his mother in the wildest of his dreams, definitely not this early!

"The earlier, the better, Arnav. I understand it is too soon, but she will grow up with you and be with you in rain and shine, making the journey worthwhile. Trust me. You will thank me for it. Your Papa and I have married early, and I have nothing to complain about." Shaila added to her argument as she smiled, looking at Anagha.

"Of course you have nothing to complain about! But I am not sure Pa feels the same!" Arnav winked and stepped away from Shaila and pulled Khushi in front of him like a shield.

"Shaitaan!" Shaila smiled. "When you grow up with the girl, the bond is unshakable and everlasting, Arnav. I want you to think about this seriously." She saw him standing behind Khushi and smiled. "And you do believe Khushi is going to save you, don't you?"

There was a sparkle in his mother's eyes which made his heart skip a beat. He kept staring at her till his her eyes softened and a smile touched her lips. He had no idea of what was cooking on the stove at that moment but was sure about what was cooking inside his mother's head. Warmth suffused his cheeks as he realised that his mother was aware of what was going on in his life, and also of the reason why he was in Pune in the middle of the year.

"She always saves me from you!" He grinned and walked up to her and planted a kiss on her forehead. "And you are joking! I mean, of course, you are joking, Ma. Because I know you are not one of those weird mums, who think about nothing else other than marrying their children off! So can we stop this already?"

Shaila nodded with a smile and glanced once again at Khushi who was averting her eyes, busy staring at the phulka rise and puff on the tavaa.

"So, making moong daal khichdi is easy!" Arnav said with a big grin on his face, trying his best to steer the conversation away from the sensitive topic.

"It's always good to know how to cook basic meals, Arnav. I am glad you are making an effort." Anagha smiled, looking at him fondly. "What's Mithhoo teaching you next?"

"Kaki! The next class will be with you. Please call me when you plan to make your yummy daal. You make the most awesome daal in the entire world." Arnav smiled with enthusiasm "I wish I could take a few boxes from here and freeze them over in London."

Khushi turned around to watch the blatant 'buttering session' going on in front of her eyes. She saw her mother's eyes twinkle like they always did when she received a compliment for her cooking. Arnav stood next to her telling her about London and how miserable and fascinating life was away from home. She watched her Aai listen to him captivated and smiled. He would charm his way into anyone's heart!

"Arnav, I am sure you make good toasts! I can see you have no issues with the buttering!" Khushi teased as she cleaned up the worktop after finishing her job.

Arnav glanced at her with eyes that warned her that if she didn't stop teasing, she would pay for it.

"Come over any time beta. I'll show you how to make it." Anagha smiled and glared at Khushi.

"You are the best, Kaki!"

"Anagha, let's have coffee. Come on, kids, leave your mothers alone in the kitchen. We will bring the coffee outside." Shaila announced. "And Arnav, go write down the recipe right now before you forget the measures of the ingredients."

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