Chapter 17 - Once Under A Blue Moon

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What had made her titillate the imagination of a helpless young man? Had she gone too far, Khushi wondered. She knew it was a thing of the past now when they would enjoy baiting and challenging each other over stupid and silly things and laugh over it for days to come. Things were not the same between them anymore. Yet she had gone ahead and joshed him, knowing very well that there would be consequences for which she would have to pay for dearly. But then again, her behaviour around him had been anything but normal of late. She had reacted to him in the strangest ways possible and the comfort they had shared of being around each other for years had gone for a toss the day he had confessed his feelings to her.

Arnav had made her stammer, fluster and blabber mindlessly of late and she was anything but a stuttering idiot! He had suddenly turned into this stranger who was capable of exposing the vulnerable side of her, making her dance to some rhythm and tune she wasn't familiar with. And so a tempting opportunity to disconcert him had presented itself when he had stood in his doorway a while ago. And she had latched onto it instantly, for that was precisely what he had done to her ever since she had come back from the trip.

Another reason why she had decided to turn up was to tell him in the morning that she had indeed waited for him on the terrace for not five, but ten minutes and kept her side of the deal. But this was because she had been sure he wouldn't turn up at all. She was quite confident. Those who knew Arnav knew very well that he was a fantastic host. And having his friends come over to meet him after ages ruled out the possibility of him coming upstairs completely. There was no chance in hell that he would abandon his cronies and come to meet her.

As if on cue, she heard more motorbikes roar into the building, announcing the arrival of the rest of his friends, adding more assurance to her thoughts. She suppressed a yawn as she glanced at her watch. She couldn't remember the last time she had slept peacefully. Exams, submissions and trek had kept her away from the leaden slumber she had craved for every single night of late. It was five minutes past ten, and she had another five mins to keep her word after which she would finally rush downstairs back to her bed to end her very long yet an eventful day.

The cool breeze tousled her hair as she rubbed her arms to warm them up. She looked up at the beautiful night sky which stole every single thought from her mind, taking her back to the nights spent in the mountains. It always felt like there was an audience of billions of glittering stars up there waiting for her to say something or maybe hum or sing a song? She smiled as she realised that she didn't have much of an audience tonight for sure, but the brilliant white orb was hung up in the sky, smiling at her. She smiled back at the moon, bathing in its silver moonlight which had spilt over the terrace and all around her.

Chandaa dekhe chandaa
Toh woh chandaa, sharmaaye
Gori gori chandni mein...gori jab ...muskaaye...

Khushi went perfectly still when she heard Arnav croon behind her. She slowly turned around to see him smiling at her, and an unexpected warmth and buzz rushed through her body at the same time.

"So—" He said as he glanced at the moon and then focussed his eyes on her face once again. "—where were we, BV?"

Khushi froze the moment he said it. The new endearment hit her like a tornado, threatening to blow away the existence of Khush in her life she had held onto dearly for so many years. He really did intend on calling her that! BV —biwi —the play of words made her heart jump out of her chest, burning her cheeks hot. He was smiling at her smugly, and she realised at that instant that this moment had always been inevitable. No matter how far she had tried to run away from him and his words all these weeks, she was inadvertently moving towards this moment where he would be standing in front of her, offering her everything he had, and seeking — even demanding — her love in return. His beautiful eyes kept staring at her, loving her enough not to hurry her, and wanting her yet giving her that space to come around him.

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