Jurassic World

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AN: takes place at the beginning of Jurassic World


If there was one thing Eva Grady excelled at, it was being late.

Whether it was for class, or for a doctor's appointment, a hangout with friends, or a movie night with her brothers, she would be late. By one minute or ten, she would be late.

Today was shaping up to be no different.

Eva threw the last of her clothes into her suitcase, inventing new swear words under her breath. She then sat on it, forcing the suitcase to click shut. Then she jumped on top of her other one, yanking on the zipper until it shut. Two for two.

Her phone chimed for what felt like the millionth time in the past hour, with yet another text from her best friend, Zach Mitchell.

Hurry the hell up, or we're leaving without you

She threw her phone onto her bed, not gracing the text with a response, especially because she was still in the clothes that she slept in.

As if he could read her mind, Eva's phone rang, Zach's picture lighting up the screen. She considered the pros and cons of just sending him to voice mail.

Sighing, she hit accept. "I swear I'm almost ready."

"You're a dirty liar. I'd put money on you still being in your pajamas." Zach countered, and she could practically hear his eye roll.

Eva glanced down at her worn athletic shorts and oversized t-shirt. "Technically, they're not pajamas."

"You have twenty-three minutes before I come over there and drag you into the car, ready or not." he threatened.

She mock gasped. "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me, Evie."

Eva wrinkled her nose at him, the effect lost with him being on the other end of the phone. "You literally live next door. Do you not have anything better to do with your time other than threaten me?"

"Not today."

"I'll be ready."

"We'll see." Zach hung up, leaving Eva with less than twenty-three minutes to get dressed, her make-up and her hair done.

Twenty-three minutes.


Eva yanked open her drawers, rooting through the remaining clothes in there. Swearing under her breath, she eventually located a pair of light-wash ripped jeans and a cropped black strappy tank top. Throwing off the clothes that she was wearing, she switched them out, then ran over to her closet. Once again, she searched through her clothes, making a mental note to go through her clothes and burn them all.

No one should have this many clothes. Especially not when trying to make outfit decisions on a time crunch.

Fifteen minutes.

Freakin' Zach.

Finally locating a black and white flannel, Eva also grabbed her black lace-up heeled boots from her mountain of shoes. Once again, she made a mental note to set them all on fire.

Sprinting over to her vanity, Eva grabbed the first brush she could get her hands on (quite a feat considering the state of her vanity, one thing Eva was not was organized). She yanked the messy bun out of her hair, her light brown waves falling around her shoulders, which she then brushed out.

Ten minutes.

She was reconsidering her choice of best friend.

Taking a breath to steady herself so that her hands wouldn't shake, Eva pulled out her mascara, foundation, and blush. She applied makeup to her face with practiced strokes, enhancing her hazel eyes, arched eyebrows, and high cheekbones.

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