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This is Catman's and Catgirl's daughter name CatKit and she has black hair and black eyes like her father and she has her mother's body and she can play the drums like her father and play the keytar like her mother.

Birth name: Tabitha St. Germain
Species: KISSterian
Gender: Female
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Black( glowing very light green)

Powers and Abilities: Flight Cat-like powers
Occupation: Musician Superhero
Affiliation: KISS

Her parents names are Catman and Catgirl

Catgirl is her mother's name and Catman is her father's name

She has the same face paint as her parents

CatKit was 8 years old when she got her powers like her parents

Catgirl gets pregnant when the Scooby gang and Kiss defeat the Witch

StarChild, Demon and Spaceman are CatKit uncles

CatKit wear a Black and grey Cat baby suit and she can crawl to her mother and her father.

When the Scooby gang meets Kiss and Scooby can see a baby in the holder on Catgirl's back.

When Catkit is 9 she transforms into her costume like her parents and she wears a one piece bodysuit that is Black in color with a secondary color of purple and grey on the arms, legs, and torso

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When Catkit is 9 she transforms into her costume like her parents and she wears a one piece bodysuit that is Black in color with a secondary color of purple and grey on the arms, legs, and torso.

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