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"Come with me, Ray!"

Even with vision hazed by an abundance of tears, Rachel can see her friend and executioner right there, offering her salvation. She reached a hand out, grasping his, with the man clasping hers in return. For a serial killer, Isaac was uncharacteristically gentle with her. He pulled her out of her room in the psych ward, giving the both of them enough space to maneuver his arms around her, and hold Ray's body close to his.

Zack was incredibly warm, something Ray hasn't felt in a long time. That warmth helped soothe her hardened heart, and she couldn't hold back the constant tears that welled in her eyes. Everything felt like this could all be a dream, she just had to be sure that she was awake, and Isaac was right here, cradling her in his arms as they left their own prisons. She brought her hands up, and gently caressed his bandaged cheeks. The man's off-colored eyes focused on her, as she leaned close, then gently pressed her forehead against his. Isaac let out a quiet huff of amusement, as he mutually leaned against her. The both can feel their soothing body heat, ensuring that they were right here, and would never be torn apart again.

Their half-lidded expressions, and tender closeness; everything their bodies conveyed were the words ' I missed you... '

"Zack...please, kill me..."

A smile curled on Zack's lips, he never thought he would ever hear those words again.

"If that's what you want...then stop crying, and smile..."


It's been a year since then, Rachel and Zack have been skipping from town to town, and laid low when it came to the presence of authorities. Even if they were forgotten, the chances of being found out and caught remained high for the pair - they were fugitives, after all.

Like in the building, the duo worked as a team; it was like they worked perfectly in tandem when it came to seeking a hideout to even finding valuable resources. Two halves to one whole, that was how Rachel would quietly put it. Somehow, being with Zack made her feel complete in some sort of way, and she was sure that he must feel the same as well. How they both were when they first met contrasted so much to how they were now. The two killers felt much more relaxed in each other's company, and were quick to compromise a decision, instead of going blindly. Not only that, Ray was the only person Zack didn't mind putting his guard down for.

He also promised that he would kill her, yet the day never came just yet. It felt like it was way too soon to enact their oath, but when Isaac reaffirmed his promise to her, it sent her heart fluttering. She made sure to ask him whenever she could just to hear that answer.

"C'mon, Ray...yer' not really forgetting, are ya'? I told you a thousand times that everything I say isn't a lie..."

"I know...and I know that you'll keep your promise..." Ray replied. "I just like to hear you say it..."

That caught Zack off guard, seeing such a pleased and innocent expression on her face. It's very weird, but strangely appealing. He brought a hand up, and lightly ruffled her silky, gold locks.

"Yer' weird...but that's normal for ya', Ray..."

She gave him a slight pout in response, which made him chuckle a little more, "Gettin' better at faces though...keep it up."

Just seeing the man smile, laugh, or anything of the sort made Rachel feel all sorts of strange, she wasn't sure if it was because she missed him so much. It's already been a year, she's 16, but the giddiness never left. Ray hasn't felt this way since...well, since she assumed Zack was her God. Yet, she's already come to accept that Isaac was no God. It was hard to put this odd allurement she felt towards her male companion, but she never fought this feeling.

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