When You Fight (As Best Friends)

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Lots of arguing back and forth

He's short-tempered so it wouldn't take much to cause an argument

But those usually end after a few minutes, this has gone on for days

You two had lots of little arguments which led to the big fight

You'd probably have to apologize first

Once you say sorry he'd become soft and promise to chill his temper with you from now on


Says things he would never say, like "you're so annoying" or "I wish we were never friends"

He would need to stay away from you for awhile to calm down

Jeno is S C A R Y when he's mad

After sometime, you'd come up to Jeno and ask if he really meant what he had said

He reassures you that he didn't and spends a bunch of time with you so that you two can make up

From then on you two try to talk things out before getting angry in future arguments


He'd tease you so much that it didn't seem like a joke anymore

The second he sees you upset, he refuses to apologize which starts your fight

Would get mad if the Dreamies talk to you because he'd think they're taking your side

"Y/N you know I was joking."

Takes a lot of effort from both of you, but you eventually make up

Still teases you the same amount afterwards🙄


You two almost never argue so something big would have had to happen

He prefers giving the silent treatment over yelling at you

While you two aren't talking, he stops doing all the things you used to do together (kinda like a break-up 😂)

Does aegyo to apologize

He already knew that you can't stay mad at him

Is extra sweet with you because he really wants to make up for the fight


You two had a mini argument that escalated

Talks to everyone except you just to make you mad

Immediately realizes how much he doesn't like being without you

Doesn't want to straight up apologize so he tries to make you laugh even while you're still arguing

It works and once he knows you're not too upset with him anymore, he says sorry

The next time you guys play a video game together, he loses on purpose to avoid conflict


I think the only way he could be mad at you is if he was already upset and you add on to that

Like, if the boys are making fun of him and you join in as a joke but it really hurts him. Or if he's having a bad day and you keep scolding him for not doing something

He snaps and yells at you, then stops talking to you for a few days

When you apologize he quickly does the same

Once you make up he apologizes profusely for raising his voice

You two try to act like the fight never happened, but in the end it brought you closer as friends

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