It's starting to scare me, to be quite honest. Abe wasn't at all thrilled either - and that's sugar coating it.

"Uh...." My voice comes out scratchy and dry as I try to find something to say. But before I can utter a single word, my TV flickers on and my eyes widen in surprise, my whole body jolting.

I stare at the screen with wide eyes. The TV isn't on it's usual channel but instead it's full of static. The loud noise hurts my ears and I can see Abe becoming annoyed with the sound but also curious as to how it happened.

I quickly fumble with the remote, clicking it off and letting out a shaky breath.

"What was that?" I mumble, more to myself than anyone. Abe opens his mouth but the TV clicks on once again making me jump in fright and L.A to start barking wildly at the noise.

"What's happening?" I have to yell over the booming, staticy noise. But  to my utter horror, when I turn around to ask Abe for help, he's not they're.

His body has been pushed to the ground, his body crushed together in a fetus position and his face say's he's in a lot of pain. My eyes widen and I quickly fall to his side, my eyes scanning over his body in a frenzy as I try to find the cause of his pain.

"Abe, what's wrong?" I yell over the loud TV. I grab the remote and press the off button but nothing happens, the TV still blaring with noise and hurting my ears. I try it several times and by the end I'm practically crushing it in my palm.

"Abe, are you ok? What's happening, where are you hurt?" A loud hiss escapes his mouth, his lips pulling back to reveal his sharp canines. I flinch back, my eyes widening but I quickly try and shake it off.

He wouldn't hurt me.

I try to turn off the TV once more but, to my annoyance, nothing happens. Abe lets out a loud howl of pain, his fangs still very visible and my brain goes into a panicked frenzy as blood starts dripping from his ears. My eyes widen and I glance between the TV and him, my brain slowly starting to pull the pieces together.

It's hurting him. The noise is too loud.

I jump up from beside Abe and sprint to my TV, reaching behind it and yanking the plug. Almost instantly, the noise disappears and Abe body instantly slackens.

"Oh my - Abe!" I run over to him, reaching down and trying as best I can to lift his giant body from the floor, with his help of course. He drops onto my couch in exhaustion, blood still dripping from his ears from seconds ago,

"Wh-what happened? How did it happen? That's never happened before!" I start panicking, my eyes glancing from one end of the apartment to the other until they pause at my window.

And before I can stop it, an ear-splitting scream irrupts from deep in my chest and out my mouth. My legs give out beneath me and I fall to the floor in a shaking mess. With eyes wide and terrified screams still coming from my mouth, I push myself back as far as I can as fast as I can.

Abe groans and sends me a death glare but his eyes widen and he sits up in high alert once he see's my horror-strick face.

"B-b-bu...-I-I...h-he.." I stutter, the words falling from my mouth in a giant mess as I try to explain what I just saw.

"Petit," [Little one] "what it is?" Abe asks in a rush as he swiftly bends down beside me on one knee, his mind seemingly already forgotten about his own wound, his eyes following my shaking finger to the now open window.

Eyes. Red eyes.

It was him, it has to be!

"A-ab.." Abe is instantly looking back at me, wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me from the floor, carrying me over to the couch and setting me down gently.

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