Note From A

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Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you hadn't done this or you hadn't done that? Or if you hadn't met her or if you hadn't met him? Maybe, just maybe, you would have a had a chance to turn your life around.

But me? My life is screwed up and there is nothing I can do about it. I can't change what I've done (regretfully).

But this? This is something that I could have easily avoided. If I hadn't gone grocery shopping, I would have never met him. If I had just listened to my brain instead of my stomach for once in my life, I wouldn't be in a life threatening situation right this very moment.

But, no. Of course not. That would make my life easy. Too easy.

"I think you deserve to be punished," He whispers, his breath fanning my ear and sending a stray shiver down my spine.

"Not like you have a choice in the matter. Slapping people is a very mean thing to do. And-" He pauses mid-sentence and slowly brings his hand up to my face, letting his fingers trace my jaw while he leans in to my ear, his tall statue trapping me between him and the wall.

"-you made a BIG mistake." He whispers, his voice growing cold at the end. Gulping down every bit of sense I ever had, I try and mask my face with as much confidence as humanly possible.

"No," I say, sending him my most trusty glare. "YOU made a mistake by thinking I'm just going to do whatever you ask and give myself to you willingly, all just so you can end my life in the end. Just because you need blood to survive doesn't mean I don't either. You don't own me and you have no power over me. No one does. Did you think I would be completely willing to give you my blood? Doesn't seem very fair for my well-being, now does it?" I say, happy that my voice stayed strong throughout my speech of defiance.

He growls lowly and slams his hands on either side of my, denting my wall in the process with his abnormally strong fists.

He's paying for that.

Sending me his famous scowl that seems to be permanently edged on to his face, he starts to speak in a dark and dangerous voice that has every bit of bravery seeping from my body.

"Life isn't fair, sweetheart! I am superior to your weak intellect and I will not be talked down to by a mere human. You have no right to speak to such a being with that tone. You will treat me with utmost respect and will find yourself in quite the predicament if you fail to do so. And if you haven't noticed-" He say's pausing to hiss at me, fangs full view. My eyes widen and I feel my self start to tremble but quickly hide it, not allowing myself to show fear. "-I'm the one with the fangs and quite frankly, I could care less about your well-being. Are we clear or do you need more convincing? Because I'd be glad to persuade you," He say's with an evil glint in his eyes.

Quickly catching on, I gulp and shake my head.

"Good." He say's, pushing away from me and walking back towards my window that's wide open, the wind blowing the curtains around.

I make a face as I stare at his retreating figure.

How did I not notice that?

The strange french man is a mere few feet from my window when a thought comes to me.

"Wait!" I yell, just in time as he was about to jump out my window.

He sends me a glare, but stops non the less.

I cough awkwardly, scrambling to remember what I was going to say. Quickly remembering, I straighten my posture and try to look as brave as possible.

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