Green team on the move!(and Bubbles of course)

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(Buttercups pov)

"Butch you have untill the count of three!"



The big dummy let go of me and my sister and I was about to kick him in the shin untill I was rudely interrupted

"ALRIGHT! Class you and you group will be escorted to a bus" Mrs Oyas explained.

"Lets go team!" Bubbles  smiled

"Wanna race?!" Butched looked at me

"Your on fool!" I said and began  to stretch.

"Bubbles  can you do the honors and count for us?"

"Sure sure! You guys ready?"

I looked over at Butch and he had a stupid smug look on. Heh watch me wipe that expression right off his stupid dumb face. "Ready!" Im smirked and wait on Bubbles  command

" Ready... set...GO!"

Butch was ahead   but I catched up real  quick.

"Heh See ya!" I winked  at him as i passed  by.  I mean  we all knew I was going  to win even  if im holding a whole damn suitcase. I  AM the strongest powerpuff after all.

(Bubbles  pov)

I watched as the two greens ran of to the buses that were just now coming in.  I rolled  my eyes and checked  my phone if Boomer replied to my text yet.  "huh no reply. I wonder how Blossoms  doing. I Should text her" I said to myself.

🐰:Hey Blossom what's up
             Sent 3:46pm

🍓:Bubbles  Im at class stop texting me
                     Received 3:46 pm
🐰:Im fine to thanks-
                 Sent 3:47 pm

"isn't  school almost over for her too i?-"
I questioned as I put my phone in my pocket and began  to walk to the busses.

(Buttercups pov)

"Haha I told you I would  win Bitch!" I ruffled his hair.

"Only because  I went  easy on you!" He rolled  his eyes and elbowed me lightly

"Pssh You knew I was gonna win shut the heck up"  I bumped him with my hip.

"whatever" He turned  to wave at Bubbles  who was now catching up the rest of the class as well.

"Hey guys who one?" The blonde  asked

"It was obviously-" All of a sudden Butch grabed me and putting his hand over my mouth.

"I did!" He smiled

I swear im going to kill this bitch. I elbowed him hard against  his side and he let me go.

"BUTCH I SWEAR TO GOD IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!" I yelled as  I jumped  on his back hitting his head.

"AYE AYE!  Keep your hands to your selves!" I heard a teacher yell at me the next thing i knew i was being preyed of off him.

"they don't  pay me enough  for this shit"

I over heard a teacher say and I tried my best not to laugh. But I guess I couldn't  hold it in because  I started laughing  hysterically

"oh hunny the quit! No one needs ya grumpy ass anyways. The less teachers the better!" I said practically cackling at this point.

"BUTTERCUP! Since your choosing to misbehave. You will be staying in your hotel room for the first two days!"

"I- That's  not fair!" I crossed  my arms

"You are? To.Bad. Life isn't  fair deal with it!" The teacher  rolled  her eyes and walked  to a different  group.

"Haha And I thought  I'D be the one to get in trouble  first" Butch chuckled and  put his hand on my shoulder.

"GET. YOUR. FUGLY HAND OFF. ME." I had it with his shit today I wanna get to my hotel room and eat one of Bubbles sugar  cookies. Its her specialty.

(Bubble's pov)

I took a selfie with Buttercup and butch in the background and captioned it The greens are at it again haha. SEND.HELP. before  posting it on my Instagram. Just as I did so Boomer  finally  replied  back!

🐰: Boomer I only just left haha but  yeah the flight went amazing! How's  Blossom? and Brick of course.
      Sent  4:10pm

🐙: OML Hey sorry my shitty phone lost connection :').
     Sent 4:18pm

🐙: Oh! and Brick is grumpy and Blossom is Blossom
         Received  4:20pm

🐰: Haha good to know there doing good. Anyways I gotta go Boomie ttly  <3
        Sent 4:22pm

🐙: [Typing]....



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