Chapter 12: Unexpected

Start from the beginning

I shook my head,my body shaking slightly. "Can you do me a favor? I don't have the strength to face Tristan today, I'm to tired." I half lied. "Ok, I will do it." . He nods and left my room leaving me alone with the memory of my dreams. I realized that I didn't wake up at midnight like the other times. What makes this nightmare different? "It's taken care of , little one. Tristan wasn't't happy about it, but strangely he complied. Now whats wrong?" he asked. I told him my nightmare blow by blow, but strangely I couldn't remember the rest to tell him. Like some kind of blockage there. "Is that all?"  "No, it's more, but I just can't seem to-"  "It's okay. How about one of the maids bring you some soup?" I sighed my defeat letting Aries won. I know I can remember ,but like I said , something was blocking it. There was a knock on the door and Aries opens it. "Take care little one. I hope you feel better enough for the ball tomorrow." he winks and I smiled.  The old maid comes inside my room, but was hesitant. "It was here wasn't't it?" she stated. This maid with her vague answers. "Who are you talking about?" I demanded.  "I'm talking about your nightmare. Tainted you a bit. Careful, for I fear the worse." the maid casually said but I can see the concern in her eyes. What blew my mind is that she knew. My nightmare. " How?" I ponder.  She begins walking away and stopped at the door way. "You be surprise, child. I bring you a nice hot soup." she says and leaves.

This maid is seriously creeping me out. I mean for all I know she could be doing something to me. About ten minutes pass she came back with the soup on the tray. "Feel better."  "Wait don't go. I have questions." She looks at me shaking her head. " As you should, Rene." Again she was leaving, well more like running out my room before I could assail her. There was something she wasn't' telling. Hiding something from me.  I let it go for the time being as I laid back in my bed thinking about my nightmare. Gold, red eyes kept playing back in my head every time I close my eyes. Why was I even having this messed up dream? Especially one that occurs 4 days in the row. I never dreamt anything like that ever , until I arrived in the palace. It's the palace. Has to be it. But my dream seem very realistic to be a dream though, I could feel it.  I wished I could see the sunlight so I can feel comfortable going back to sleep, but my hell hole of a room has no windows. Speaking of sunlight, I wonder do the sun really hurt vampires? I replayed the events of Karla was after me and I how my body accidentally moved the curtain back. The light made contact on her skin and she hissed pulling her burning hand back.

To be honest, I believed that the sunlight saved me cause otherwise I would end up a happy meal. All my time being here I've been between these life and death situations. I'm worried when my luck will run out, then I would be screwed. Later on the day, I got up to get lunch but with someone by me. Aries made sure someone was with while walking in this palace. I felt something bump into me and turn to see Jack with his head down. "Jack?"  he looks up and a smile appears. "Rene, how are you? Heard you was sick" he stated. I pulled him away from the nosy young maid who was trying to hear my conversation. "I'm not really sick. Just pretending because I didn't sleep well." I whisper. "Oh," he says. "Tristan been harassing you?" he asked. I shook my head half lying to him. "Jack, where have you been? We been worrying about you."  He takes a step away from me hanging his head down. "Grieving."  Oh, so he did know what happen to Nina. "I needed time Rene, I couldn't be around nobody at the time. I went into Bianca's room to talk to her. Well I had to be very sneaky since we can't roam around. " Bianca and I talked and I sat there being a good friend to her. I asked if she wanted to come down to the kitchen, but she couldn't.  Her master won't allow it. I swear , they won't get away with their evil ways. I'm thinking what can I do to hurt them, kill them." his voice seemed to get angrier and darker with each word. "No jack, that's suicide. How can you hurt something that 20 times stronger and faster than you?" I questioned

I could tell him that sunlight could possibly hurt them, well that was with that Karla vampire, but still though it could be the answer. Jack looked very serious in every way, and I knew telling him about the sunlight theory would get himself killed and that would be forever in my conscience, knowing it was my fault. "That's enough you two. Now leave boy." the young maid said in a annoyed voice. Jack gave her a dirty look and then looked at me. "Stay safe Rene. I don't want to lose you." he says, then he gave me a quick peck on the cheek and runs off. I couldn't believe he just did that! "Are you gonna stand there or eat something? I don't have all day , you know." she rudely spoke. "Eat." I said. The both of us strolled down the hall until I saw the doors. Nobody was inside. I garb an apple and head on back to my room. With my mind at ease, I decide to get some sleep. Today was a strange day, but I have this feeling that tomorrow would be even weirder.

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