Like mice

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We ran through the village until we found tall mountains that reached up high.. as we climbed I..tripped and made my knee have a deadly wound crying @dannyphanton.exe touched my face and said softy ¨shh..darling ill carry you until we find something to cover the wound alright¨ he looked into my eyes with deep love and regret that he hadn't been the one to wound thys knee .. 

At the end of the village was only a canon and the only way to get across was to borrow the queen's royal bridge. We had to travel back or else your leg would lose to much blood we had to go back but parents were ashamed of me and, would only accept if I married someone I DID NOT love....

I had a horrible thought but- maybe it was our only option ¨@dannyphanton.exe what if we- we killed the prince..¨ he looked surprised but also stopped looked deep at me with his beautiful eyes and said ¨sweetie..this is a big decision..¨ he continued walking with me in his arms but now back into the deep part of the forest where we would stay till we figured out a plan and maybe do other things to....

dannyphantom.exe x y/n (smut af)Where stories live. Discover now