The warm hug

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    The other night was terrible. I and Draco were constantly fighting. Today we have to present the potion for our teacher.
    - Well, Draco and Hermonie, you're next.
I whispered to Malfoy that I want to present the potion but he claimed he should do it, because he worked harder.
- This potion has... we said at the same time, until the teacher stopped us and demanded to present it.
    - Only one of you will present the potion.
- That would be me, teacher.
- No way, me...
    - I worked the hardest to finish it, yelled Malfoy.
- Enough! I see you two didn't manage to solve your problems. For that, I will fail you both at this assignment.
- Teacher, please
    - Both of you, out of my class.
I ran crying to the bathroom. I've never failed at any topic or project. I always pass having the higher score from my class, especially because I have really worked for this one. I sat down, leaned to the wall.
     - Hey...
It was Malfoy. I didn't even watch him. I know it was him, by his voice.
    - It's my fault we failed. I should have let you read, I said with an angry tone.
    - Hermonie, I'm very sorry for the way I treated you earlier today. Honestly, I like to see you angry and I love to argue with you, but I hate to see you crying, especially because of me.
He stretched out his hand to help me get up and I grabbed his cold hand with my warm fingers, I hold him tight until I got up. He pulled me up so hard that I fall into his arms.
     - I'm sorry, I said, thinking that he is embarrassed by this moment.
    - It's ok, don't worry, he said and he smiled with half a face.
Now, I'm lying in bed, it's 12 a.m. and I'm thinking about the first nice thing that Malfoy do to me. I wasn't expecting it at all. He's changing his temper so often... something is not right with him. He has moments when he will don anything to hurt me, but after that he wants to show me affection...

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