Dating Neville Longbottom would include...

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Dating Neville longbottom would include...

- Being really shy around each other before you started dating.

- Eventually Neville asked you to go to hogsmeade with him and the rest is history. 

- You have a really sweet relationship (everyone is jealous) 

- Neville is always a gentleman and treats you like royalty. 

- You two love to go to hogsmeade and quidditch games together. 

- You always visit honeydukes and the three broomsticks.

- You and neville are not afraid of pda. 

- You two always walk around holding hands, laughing and talking. 

- You sometimes even kiss each other spontaneously in the halls between classes. much to the   dismay of the first years. 

- everyone ships your relationship even if you are a bit lovey dovey at times. You look really cute together.

- Neville is tall (even if your tall he is taller) and that works out really well when you borrow his sweaters. 

- They look so cute and oversized.

- You two always study together. He helps you in herbology and you help him in potions.

- You hangout in the gryffindor common room and boys dorms. Even though you aren't meant to be there.

- You where frightened to meet Neville's grandmother but you shouldn't have been.

- She was super supportive of you and your relationship.
even though she was a little forward. "I can't wait until you are engaged. I have the perfect bracelet for when you are part of the family."

- Other girls seem to get really jealous of you and Neville. 

- He only has eyes for you and you for him. 

- You and Neville practically run the resistance from the RoR in 8th year. 

- You look after all the other students and keep everyone fighting. 

- You were terrified for each other throughout the war. 

- But both of you pulled through fighting valiantly for dumbledore's army, the order and hogwarts.

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