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Beep, Beep!

My alarm rang i woke up immediately to turn it off, looking everything surrounding me. I realise i was at my bedroom i couldn't recall what happened after i fainted but all i know is i need to get dressed, go to school and thanked Louis for yesterday.

Today i wore my white sweater, along with blue denim skirt and pair with my air force 1's. As any other day i would cycle my way to school and get to class. When i arrived to my class, i can see Millie was already there it doesn't take a long time for her to spot me, she then walked to me and said with her worried expression on her face

" Goodness Zoe, don't you know how worried i was about you yesterday luckily Louis saved you!"

I replied to her " don't worry about me Millie, im fine let's just forget what happened yesterday okay?"

She then gives me a hug with a warm smile " fine".

Not for long, Louis entered the class he took his seat which was three rows behind mine and sat down. I immediately walk to him and said

" hey Louis, thank you so so much for yesterday, and I'm sorry i didnt mean to you know i- ".

He then cuts me off and continued " it's totally fine, we're friends after all right?". We both then just laughed it all out.

For our first morning lesson we were having english literature, it was my least favourite subject its dreadfully long and boring but i was lucky enough to have this class along with Millie and Louis.

We were learning about The scarlet letter . Its a romance historical story by Nathaniel Howthorne, and we're given a task to finished it by the end of the week, i just hated english literature class its the worst.

School bell has rang, as usual we went to the cafeteria and today we were having some pizza and a box of milk. Today, i didn't see Noah nor Finn the whole recess period, well i think it's probably the best we dont see each other.

Recess was almost over, i went to washroom to freshen myself up, and went to my locker to get my mathematics book and suddenly, Noah approached me leaning beside my locker and said

" Zoe, look i know you're angry at me but i really didn't mean anything that happened yesterday, im sorry, i really am".

I replied to him giving him a weak smile " it's fine Noah".

I then quickly closed my locker and walked fast to my classroom leaving him hanging on the locker, i wasn't sure if i should be angry to him but it was probably the right thing to do after all.

The day went by as usual, i felt better after cleaning up all the mess with Noah and felt light on my shoulder.

Before i know it, the sky suddenly rained cats and dogs, the lightning was so loud. I recalled myself, i had forgotten to bring an umbrella, what was i thinking!

The school ends and it was still raining heavily, on this weather i really can't cycle my way home but i also have no other choice left. I waited a while on the school lobby hoping the weather could calm down , but i couldn't and it was getting late almost everyone already had gone their way home.

I decided to just walk my with my bicycle to home although that would mean i would get everything wet and drenched. On that moment, before i got out the school and umbrella suddenly covered my head on top of me.

I look behind to see who's umbrella was covering me from the heavy rain and it was Noah, i immediately could recognise his face even though the weather was causing the surrounding to be foggy. I could see his prominent sharp jaw, almond eyes along with a warm set of smile.

" Can i walk you home, Zoe?" he said while holding the umbrella for me.

I was still in complete shock, my mind went blank and i stuttered saying " uh - um yea sure i guess"

He then walked me from school to my home, it was an akward situation, none of us were saying anything to each other but he just kept on smiling to me that almost made me blushed so hard. Although it was an odd situation, i still felt so comfortable around him and felt protected when im in his presence .

Not for long we reached my house, i wanted to invite him for maybe a nice cup of tea since the weather was so cold. But he insisted not to since he said he needed to come home already, so i then agreed.

I walked up to my room, and i was freaking myself out, i slammed my body to my bed and covered my head with my pillow. I can't believe what just happened earlier it felt so unreal even i still couldn't believe it and I wouldn't want Millie nor Louis to know what happened earlier, i had no choice but to hide them from it because i know our friendship might be affected.

I asked myself why did Noah was so nice to me and what for? maybe he just wanted to play with my feelings? i couldn't be so sure with myself.

So then i planned to get closer to him..

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