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Today is the first day after the long dreadful term break. I was ecstatic to meet my friends especially Millie and Louis, well we've been friends since forever so you could say we basically grew up together.

I got up early in the morning, brush my teeth, hit into the shower, wear my ripped blue jeans and basic white tee and went downstairs to make my breakfast. My morning has been like this since well, forever i was the only child and my parents are both lawyers so they're practically always busy with there works.

After having my pb & j sandwich i grabbed my striped bagpack sliped in my yellow converse and head to school with my bicycle. The weather today was so peaceful, the wind blows my hair and the calming bird chirps sounded like music to my ear as i ride my bike to the school.

I park my bike on the bicycle lot and i spotted my closest friend, well she's also almost like a sister i never had, Millie. She is the most popular girl in our school she's, smart, pretty, super kind and basically the whole package. Although we're literally almost the opposites of each other, well opposites do attract.

" Good morning Millie, i missed you so so much and wow you look amazing today Millie." as i went to give her a tight hug " aww thank you Zoe, by the way have you seen Louis yet?" she asked.

" Nope, i dont think he'll come this early"

" Oh okay it's fine then, let's go and get our schedule at the office". We then walked onto the school's office and there he was, Noah Schnapp, the most admired boy in our school, well we're not that close as i know, but everytime we saw each other he gives me this big warm smile, well i think he did it with almost every girl in our school but he wasnt any of my concern anyway.

We walked to the office secretary and asked her for this year's schedule. I was behind Millie on the secretary's desk and suddenly a girl whom i may not recognised carried a hot coffee and bump onto me. I lost my balance as the coffee dropped all onto my shirt and without noticing, Noah immediately catched me as i was about to slip down at the floor.

I was in complete shocked and felt so embarrassed as everyone was looking at us with there deadly stares looking at me especially. I immediately left the office, and went to the bathroom to get myself cleaned up. I looked at myself at the mirror and i look like a complete mess my hair was slightly wet from the coffee and my white tee was covered with coffee stain. Today couldn't be any worser.

Millie went up to me at the toilet and suddenly she lent me as i could see a school volleyball jersey.

" How did you get this Millie? you weren't in the volleyball team" i asked her and shot her a con puzzled face. She replied " well i don't have any spares and Noah lent me his jersey and asked me to give it to you, well you can't have that stain all day at school, Zoe!". I nodded my head and agreed to Millie as i had no choice whatsoever but to put on Noah's jersey.

After i changed up i was planning to thanked Noah and also apologise to him, but the bell had rang and i have to get to my Biology class. I walked fast towards my class as i was already late to my lesson.

I arrived to my class, i was already five minutes late. I knocked the door and i suddenly i spotted Noah, beside him is the only sit left and not to mention we have to stick to our sitting plan for the rest of the year.

Well, all i could put my mind onto is this class is going to be a hell of a journey....

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