Chapter 11- Is It true? (Finale!)

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A/N: Feel free to take this chapter slow. I incorporated some good detail that I'd like to see if people like. Sit back, experience the magic~

Isn't it funny, how we fall in love with the most unexpected person, at the most unexpected time?


Sara walks through the early morning woods. Dew covers each tiny blade of grass, coating her shoes as she brushes by. She's wide awake, despite it being like six in the morning. One is usually very awake when going to do what she's about to. Her heart pounds in her chest, but this has to be done. He has to know. Otherwise he might move on. Then, she'd really have no one like that. The tree's cast faint shadows on the grassy forest floor as she treads around, in search of Oliver. He must be somewhere around here, he can't have gone that far. "Oliver! Are you out here?" she calls, waiting for a response. When none greet her, she tries again. "Oooooliverrrr! C'mon, it's Sara Lin! I know I messed up last night, and you probably don't wanna talk to me, but I need to say something!!" 

She shivers slightly, peering through the forest. The tiny bite of winter still seems to want to linger in the very early morning, which unfortunately she is in right now. Ugh, cold. Come on summer, this is Summer Camp, where are you? I mean, I guess it's warm during the afternoon- She shakes her head. This is getting off track. She must find that boy! Suddenly an idea comes to her. 

"OLLY!!!!" she exclaims. "OLLYYYYY!"

"Don't call me that!!" Oliver bursts out from behind the some trees near the Grand Hall, falling for her trap. Aha! He realizes his mistake as she grins. Blush stains his cheeks and he turns around to dash away.

"Wait! Come on, let me talk?" She asks, walking over slowly.

His shoulders slump and he stops in his tracks. "I'm sorry.." he whispers. "I know you like Joe and he probably already said he liked you too but-"

Sara cuts him off with a sigh. "Oliver you can't see, can you?"

He turns around slowly. "What? Uh.. no hardly at all.."

The girl nods, walking over until she's inches away from him. "Good, good."

"S-Sara?" He says confusedly, staring into her deep brown eyes. 

She smiles, then grabs him by the collar and kisses him right on the lips. It's the most beautiful and exhilarating thing either of them could have ever imagined. He cups her face in his hands, warm all over, and cherishes the moment he wishes would never end. When it finally breaks, he suddenly realizes what he just did. Oliver pushes the girl away and stumbles backwards. "S-Sara! You- you can't just kiss me! Why would you do that?! Why didn't I stop- Augh! You like him- not me- I- Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my-"

"Hey," she cuts him off, placing a finger on the side of his cheek and guiding his gaze back to her. The subtle touch gets all his attention. "Look at me. You're freaking out for no reason!"

Oliver can barely form words. He holds the sides of his head, flustered and stammering. "But- but Joe but-! You- you kissed me Sara!"

"How observant of you to notice!" She laughs, his favorite sound. "Do you really not get it?"

He shake his head wildly, increasingly more confused. "P-please enlighten me."

She just grins, her arms resting behind her back. "Do I look like I like Joe anymore?" She steps closer and taps his nose. His cheeks turn scarlet. "The answer is 'nope'! I think I've found out who your crush is, hehe! Another successful bet won."

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