Chapter 10- Thoughts

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That night, Sara Lin laid in her bed, a blanket of worry covering her mind. Oliver hadn't come back. Joe said he just needed to blow off some steam (the older boy still had no idea what happened before that) and that he would be back within a couple hours. Tammy thought perhaps he had gone to one of his friends in one of the other cabins.

Vicky was the only one Sara had told what Oliver had said to her. She had to get it off her mind somehow. But her cousin wasn't much help to her. What could she do anyway? This was all on Sara.

Oh, Subway Boy.. why did you go and say all that? Sara turns over in bed. She can't stop thinking about him. Everything he had ever done was seen in a new light. He smiled with adoration, his eyes sparkled because they were filled with pure happiness. Just happiness to be around the person he liked the most. And most of all, he saved her life, because he loved her. It was such a wonderful feeling.

But- how did she feel?

It was all so weird to think about. Like it's all come full circle. The cute boy from the subway almost half a year ago has a crush on the girl who tried to kiss him there. He likes her. He really likes her. She never felt this giddy when Joe looked her way. He never made her feel such as the way she did right now. This was all Oliver's doing. That boy is messing with her head. But.. she's okay with that? Why does she feel okay with that?

A warmth fills her heart, but she doesn't know how to feel about it. Joe.. what about Joe? She's had a crush on him for so long that it seems weird to simply let him go. But Oliver.. he's so sweet, so silly, so downright weird sometimes, that she doesn't feel too bad about it. Joe obviously doesn't like her, so why is she still chasing after him? Ugh, stop thinking about him Sara! Joe needs to be a thing of the past, focus on what you're doing to do about that silly Subway Boy!

Hopefully he's not too cold out there. Gosh, he's already scared her enough this week. If he gets sick or falls off another cliff she might just have a heart attack. Well, why is that? Because you care about him.. her head seems to tell her. In a different way than most. Sara feels the blush creep onto her cheeks. She flings her legs around in the air and squeezes the pillow to her chest. Focus, Sara, focus! You have to sort this out! Frustrated, she sits up straight and looks around, observing that everyone is sound asleep. Then she flips over the side of the railing, just far enough so her head is upside down above Vicky's bed.

"Victoria! Vicky-Vic! Wake up!" she says in a hushed tone.

The other girl stirs, blinking sleepily. She looks around with her long hair tied up in a ponytail. "Sara? What's going on?"

"I need to talk to you, Vicky. Girl to girl important stuff." Replies her cousin. Vicky nods without much emotion, keeping her eyes mostly shut. They walk out the door into the crisp night air. 

"So, what is it.."

Sara wiggles her hands. "AaAaAaaAh I- I just don't know what to do! He likes me! What do I do now?"

Vicky squints with confusion. "Who does?"

"Oliver, Vic, I told you this. Oliver does. Try to keep up. The thing is, I don't know if I like him back." replies Sara.

"Oh, you do." the girl nods up and down a couple times. "Mhm. I've been watching it happen. No doubt about it."

The redhead frowns. "How are you so sure?"

"It's one in the morning, Sara Lin. You could ask me if I thought Patrick had a pet dragon at home and I would nod along and agree with you." Vicky says in a tired voice. "In short, I have no idea what I'm saying and will most likely have no recollection of this conversation tomorrow."


The cousin places a hand over Sara's mouth. "However, there is one clear thought in my mind that I know is true right this moment. Oliver Yang has had it bad for you ever since the day you asked to kiss him in that dingy subway terminal. And you may have never realized it, but you fell in love with him that day too. So accept the feelings, execute the plan, and for the love of cheesy Hallmark movies let me go back to bed."

Sara blinks. "Cheesy Hallmark-? Okay yeah Vic you need to go back to sleep. Thanks for the.. insight. I think." And both girls walk quietly back inside and to their beds. Vicky is snoring within a minute. Sara stares at the ceiling for a moment longer, becoming determined.

Accept the feelings, execute the plan.


Oliver sits beside the Grand Hall. Wow. What did he just do?! The craziness of it all won't leave. Gosh, hopefully Sara won't loose sleep over it. He runs a hand down his face. It's all out now, she knows, he doesn't have to freak out about it anymore. Maybe he'll talk to the nurse in the morning and ask to go home if that's still on the table. Suddenly that apartment feels a lot less exposing than this place. Maybe he can get out without Sara noticing too. That would ease the pain a bit.

The pain. All the physical pain from the fall hasn't left, and that in itself still won't let him think straight. But the look of confusion, the look of worry, a look that can only mean unreciprocated feelings, on Sara's face adds a different pain. In his heart. It's not much, but it's enough to be noticed. It's enough to feel bad about.

The boy lays out on the bench. He decides to sleep under the stars for a while. The bugs aren't out like they usually are, and everything feels peaceful despite what happened. Everything is moving on, calmly and as usual. Moving on just like Sara probably is right now. Just like Oliver now has to do. There are plenty of other people in the world, sure. But none like Sara Lin. No one has her smile, no one can talk to much and still keep him enraptured by every word. She's silly, she's fun, and no one else can make him laugh like he can.

Oh well. You waited this long Oliver, what's a while longer? But that's silly. He should move on eventually. Why can't he move on?

Before he knows it, he's asleep under the starry night sky. Tomorrow's a new day right? Hopefully it'll be better than today.. anything would be better than this embarrassment. Hmm.. maybe he can just.. sleep it off..

Or can he?


Hewo! It's a day of updates! (I just posted on my Insta too, cough cough you should check it out @bitsybunnybliss on Instagram *coUgH*) Are you ready for what's coming? I dunno if you are :3 teehee. Btw, sleepy Vicky is a mood for me.

Love ya! Byeee!

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