Chapter 9 - The Death of The Great Lion

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Lucy tossed and turned that night, still worried about Aslan. She stirred slightly, before turning once more to see the walking silhouette of Aslan outside the tent she shared with Susan and Y/N.
"Susan! Y/N!" whispered Lucy loudly.
The two elder girls both hummed in response. Lucy didn't answer - she just put on her cloak and walked out, which seemed to catch their attention. Susan and Y/N looked at each other and silently decided to follow Lucy - not that they really had a choice. Susan put on her cloak and Y/N mimicked the action. The girls picked up their respective weapons and walked outside to find Lucy. Aslan was walking through the forest grimly. The three girls shared a look, before following Aslan.

They had been walking for a while now hiding behind trees along the way, when Aslan's deep voice rang in the silence, "Shouldn't you three be in bed?"
"We couldn't sleep," admitted Lucy, stepping out from their hiding present hiding spot.
"Please, Aslan," said Y/N, "Couldn't we come with you?"
"I would be glad of the company for a while," He responded, "Thank you."
The three girls held on to the Lion's mane and walked forward quietly.

"It is time," said Aslan, after some time of walking, "From here, I must go on alone."
"But Aslan-" Susan started.
"You have to trust me, for this must be done. Thank you, Susan. Thank you, Y/N. Thank you, Lucy. And farewell."
Susan put her hand on Lucy's shoulder and looked at Y/N, who instantly knew what she was thinking. The girls found a thicket of bushes large enough to cover them - that way, they could peek out over the top.

The sight they saw was not a pretty one. It was the Witch's army. They were all chanting and holding up fire lanterns. And in the middle was Aslan, walking up a long flight of stairs to the Witch. Creatures stood in His way and mocked him. But Aslan kept on walking. When He reached the Witch, she held a dagger in her hands. The three girls shared a look that they had already shared earlier that day - fear.

"Behold. The Great Lion," the Witch mocked Him.
A minotaur looked at the Witch, who nodded, and whacked Aslan to the ground. Lucy gasped and Y/N watched uncomfortably. The Witch's army was teasing Him and making sneery comments.
"Why doesn't he fight back?" asked Lucy.
Then it hit Y/N. Aslan was sacrificing Himself for her and Edmund! She coudn't just sit there and watch. Susan sensed that Y/N was uncomfortable and put her arm around the younger girl. Y/N buried her face in Susan's shoulder and Lucy joined their huddle.

"Bind him!" the Witch ordered.
"Wait!" she said after a short while, "Let him first be shaved."
"Bring Him to me."
After some time of cheering, everything suddenly went silent.
"Did she do it?" Y/N wondered, tears forming in her eyes, "Is He really dead?"
But then she heard a slow thumping. And it was getting faster and faster. Y/N couldn't help her curiosity. She looked. She saw the Witch bend down to Aslan.
"You know, Aslan, I'm a little disappointed in you. Did you honestly think by all this that you could save the human traitors?"
Y/N let out an unsteady breath.
"You are giving me your life and saving no one. So much for love."

The Witch stood up and said, "Tonight, the Deep Magic will be appeased! But tomorrow, we will take Narnia forever! In that knowledge, despair..."
Aslan locked with the three girls, who were already in tears.
"...and die!"
Susan, Y/N and Lucy huddled close together, crying their eyes out.
"The Great Cat is dead! General, prepare your troops for battle, however short it may be."


It had been about an hour since...that thing had happened. Susan, Y/N and Lucy walked solemnly and slowly to the Stone Table. Once they got onto the platform, Lucy ran to Aslan. Sitting down next to Him, she took out her healing cordial.
"It's too late," said Susan, "He's gone."
She and Y/N sat down on the other side of the Lion.
"It could have been us. Edmund and I could have been here instead," was the only thing Y/N's mind could say.

"He must've known what he was doing," said Susan, placing her hand on Aslan's back.
Lucy lay her head on Aslan's neck, sniffling continuously. Her sniffles turned into uncontrollable sobs, which passed on to Susan and Y/N as well. There was a soft pattering noise, which caused the three girls to look at the Lion's body. There were a few mice doing somthing - they couldn't quite tell what.
"Get away! Get away, all of you," Susan said.
But then Y/N realised that the mice were nibbling on the ropes that bound Aslan.
"No. Look," said Lucy.
And sure enough, they chewed the ropes off.
"We have to tell the other," said Susan.
"I'll go."
It was the first time Y/N had spoken since the incident and her own voice rang in her ears.
"You stay with Lucy," she said to Susan, "I'll inform the others."
Susan nodded and gave Y/N the most of a smile she could manage.

And so Y/N walked back through the forest to Aslan's Camp. As soon as she reached, she ran into the boys' tent and saw Peter and Edmund peacefully asleep. Y/N hated that she had to wake them up, for the news she had brought them was not in the least peaceful. Just as she walked to Edmund, Peter took out his sword and pointed it at her, causing Edmund to wake up.
"Oh, Y/N. It's just you," Peter said, re-sheathing his sword.
"I'm afraid I have some terrible news," said Y/N, trying her best to swallow the choking in her voice.


Peter walked out of his tent gravely.
"She's right. He's gone."
Y/N looked at Edmund, before turning back to Peter.
"Then you'll have to lead us," said Y/N.
Peter looked at her.
Then, Edmund took over, "Peter, there's an army out there and it's ready to follow you."
"I can't," said Peter.
"Aslan believed you could," Edmund paused, "And so do I."
Peter looked up at them again, but this time full of courage.
Then, Orieus spoke up, "The Witch's army is nearing, Sire. What are your orders?"

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