Chapter 8 - Aslan's Camp

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Peter walked out of his tent, the cold but pleasant morning breeze blowing in his face. Orieus passed him and simply looked up at the hill. Peter followed his gaze to... Edmund! And Y/N! They were safe. They were with Aslan, occasionally nodding at Him and looking down in shame. Then Susan and Lucy walked out of their tent. Peter gave Susan a look that told her all she needed. The two girls looked up the hill as well.
Lucy gasped, "Edmund! Y/N!"

Edmund and Y/N turned away from Aslan to look down at the camp. And there were the three Pevensies looking up at them, Peter holding Lucy back. Edmund and Y/N looked back at Aslan, who solemnly nodded. They walked down the hill, hands stuffed in their pockets. The Lion soundlessly jumped down behind them. With each step she and Edmund took towards the Pevensies, Y/N felt shame and guilt fill her head even more.
"I could have saved us," she thought, "I could have saved their brother. I could've prevented their worry and stress. But I didn't."

"What's done is done. There is no need to speak to Edmund and Y/N about what is past," Aslan said to the Pevensies, before walking away.
"Uh... Hello," Edmund said awkwardly.
Lucy smiled and ran up to hug her brother. Y/N stepped back, making sure not the spoil the family moment. Next, Susan walked up to her little brother.
"Are you alright?" she asked.
"Yeah," Edmund responded softly. 
Then, something unexpected happened. Lucy and Susan both walked up to Y/N and hugged her lovingly.
"What about you? Are you okay?" Susan asked.
"I'm a little tired," answered Y/N honestly.
"Get some sleep," said Peter, looking at Edmund and Y/N.
The two began walking towards the tents.
"And you two," said Peter suddenly, "try not to wander off."
Edmund and  Y/N smiled at Peter's joke, before splitting to their tents - Edmund to Peter's and Y/N to Susan and Lucy's.


"Narnia's not gonna run out of toast, Ed," Lucy giggled, watching her brother gobble don his food.
"They probably will, once he's done," joked Y/N.
"I'm sure they'll pack something for the journey back," Peter spoke from behind them.
"We're going home?" Susan asked.
Peter sighed, "You are. I promised Mum I'd keep you three safe. And Y/N, you've already been in enough danger. But that doesn't mean I can't stay behind and help."
Y/N was about to retort, but Lucy did it for her, "But they need us. All five of us."
"Lucy, it's too dangerous. You almost drowned! Edmund and Y/N were almost killed!"
"Which is why we have to stay," said Y/N, "We've seen what the White Witch can do. And we've helped her do it."
She stopped, remembering Mr Tumnus and the poor fox. Edmund placed his hand on hers.
"And we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it," he said for her.
Peter beamed at his brother proudly.
"I suppose that's it, then," Susan got up and picked up her bow and quiver.
"Where are you going?" Peter asked her.
"To get in some practice."


"Let's go find the boys," Y/N said to the Thoroughbred Palomino named Honey.
Narnia is a free country. Therefore, if Y/N called Honey her horse, it would be improper, for Y/N is as much Honey's girl as Honey is her horse. They spotted Peter and Edmund in the distance.
"Come on, Ed! Sword point up, like Orieus showed us," Peter instructed his brother.
"En garde!" Edmund chanted.
"Now block," said Peter.
"Watch out, boys!" Y/N called as she joined their little match
"Hey!" Edmund laughed, as she tackled him to the ground and knocked the sword straight out of his hand.

She was about to duel Peter, when Mr Beaver shouted, "Peter, Edmund, Y/N!"
"Whoa, Horsie," Edmund called.
"My name is Philip," the horse said monotonously.
"Oh. Sorry," Edmund said sheepishly, while Y/N burst out laughing.
"The Witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan. She's on her way here," Mr Beaver informed them.
Y/N and Edmund locked eyes - and the fear on their faces was real.


"Jadis! Queen of Narnia!" Ginarrbrik shouted, as the Witch's party moved closer and closer towards Aslan.
The Narnians shouted and grunted out their disapproval of the situation. As the Witch was lowered. she started walking to Aslan. On her way, her cold eyes locked with Edmund's and Y/N's.
"You have traitors in your midst, Aslan," said the Witch, once she reached the Great Lion.
"Their offense was not against you," Aslan simply said.
"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?"
"Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch! I was there when it was written," Aslan said sternly, a growl laced with his tone.

"Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. Their blood is my property," said the Witch.
"Try and take them then," said Peter, drawing his sword out bravely.
"Do you really think that mere force will deny me my right," the Witch looked at him blankly, "little king?"
Peter lowered his sword and stepped back, his cheeks red.
"Aslan knows that unless I have blood, as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water. Those two," the Witch pointed at Edmund and Y/N, "will die on the Stone Table."
Y/N and the Pevensies all wore horrified faces.
"As is tradition," the Witch finished, "You dare not refuse me."
"Enough," said Aslan, "I shall talk with you aloe."
And with that, Aslan walked into the tent, followed by the Witch.

It is near impossible for anyone to describe the expressions that the Pevensies and Y/N wore, but if one ever saw them, one's heart would surely break. They sat waiting for a long time, plucking blades of grass and nervously fidgeting with their fingers. When the Witch finally walked out of the tent, Aslan behind her, she looked at Edmund and Y/N, her eyes narrowing. Y/N grabbed Edmund's hand in need of comfort. He held it, wanting the same. But the Witch's eyes soon flickered off them.

"She has renounced a claim on the humans' blood," Aslan said.
As soon as Y/N heard those words, she hugged Edmund tightly.
"How do I know your promise will be kept?" the Witch asked Aslan.
Aslan roared out, silencing the Witch and making the Narnians roar out - in laughter. Cheers grew louder and louder as the Witch's party carried her away. Lucy squeezed her brother and proceeded to do the same to Y/N. Y/N hugged back, planting a kiss atop Lucy's head. As Y/N turned to Susan and Peter, the Narnians crowded them, congratulations going around. But Lucy sensed that something was wrong. She turned to look at Aslan. And for the first time since she had seen Him, the Lion was sad. He walked back to His tent, His head hanging low.

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