Chapter 2

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"Ugh!! Get up you fatty!" my brother yells as he tries to push me off the bed. I just role over and mumbled leave me alone while he groans in frustration.

I told him i would go surfing with him this morning before school because the waves were supposed to be really good but i didnt know he was going to wake me up this early.

"Fine" he smirks. " I am just going to go down stairs and eat your nutella" he says as he takes off out off my room and down the hall.

I shoot up in my bed while giving myself a head ache from sitting up too fast. I take off after him and almost trip down the stairs in the process.

"Dont you dare touch my nutella unless you want to die, Kyle!"

He chuckles then smirks, "I knew that would get you up"

"Shut the fuck up"

"Woah, sassy"


After eating our breakfast and setting out what i am going to wear to school, i change into my baithing suit, grab my board and head towards the water with kyle.

I love surfing in general, but i especially love surfing with kyle. He is pretty good, but i am better and i love showing him up. Whenever we go out on the water together, we make it a competition. Whoever catches the most waves, without falling and does cool tricks, wins.

After me winning, and may i say winning by a lot, me and kyle started heading back to the house.

"It was nice kicking your ass" i smirked

"Did not!" he says like a 5 year old, " you barely won and you just got lucky"

"Whatever" i scoff

We reached the house and both put our boards in the garage. I headed up the stairs when i heard kyle yell one last thing.

"You wont be so lucky next time"

I chuckle and roll my eyes not responding to him. When i get up stairs i throw on my outfit i set out earlier. It is a pair of jeans with rips in the theighs and knees, a tanktop that i got from my last surf competition and my white converse. I threw my hair up in a messy bun since i didnt have time to take a shower and applied a light coat of make up. I grabbed my keys and headed down stairs.

I reached the front door and went outside and was met by kyle.

"You know i could always drive you to school. We dont have to drive seperately every day."

"You know i love my jeep and i like driving it. If it is such a big deal then i will drive you to school."

"Umm... hell no. I dont get in a car with crazy chicks and i also like driving my car."

"Well, there you go. Thats why we drive seperately"


I arrive at school 10 minutes later. I walk into class with five minutes to spare until the bell rings for school to start. Everyone is already in the classroom, though.

"On time today i see, Erin" says Mr. Grant. I just roll my eyes and sit down in my seat besides Natalie. He really pisses me off, i thought to myself. The whole class we spent taking notes and when the bell rung, i was so releived.

I said a quick goodbye to Natalie before going to find Nate, my boyfriend at his locker. I turned to walk out the door but ran into something hard, or should i say someone. I look up and see the same blue eyes that were staring at me the other day. Jake Byrnes.

"My fault" I mumble and quickly walk away. I walk down the hall and immediately spot Nate's bright blond hair and he is at his locker.

"Hey" I smile.

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