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And I missed the way

You managed to breathe life

Into mine

And I miss the way

You silenced my screams

And I miss the way

You tore life from me

And shattered it into three

Taking the only parts 

That truly belonged to me

And I miss the fucking way

I stayed by your side

Every god damn night

And tried to make sense

Of what's right

And what's mine

I miss the way

I saw light in your eyes

And heard the way 

You smiled

At me from behind

And how you managed to keep 

Me wanting you to be all mine

And how we became friends

So god damn easily 

But I can't say I missed

When you tore us 

Into two

And make me keep my distance 

From you

When all I want to do

Is be right next to you

But I can say I miss the way

I knew who I was writing too

It's like my heart 

Knows something my brain doesn't want to

Who are you

And what does my heart need from you?

And why am I so deprived

When I can't feel your eyes

And why can't I feel 

Your need from me

Was is this game

And why does my heart ache

From an unanswered pain

I don't even know your name

But somehow you manage 

To keep my little bit of sane

Locked up and safe

Out of the way

Who are you?

And why do I want to be right next to you?

My Poetic EscapeWhere stories live. Discover now