~Chapter 19 ~ Disturbed & Hurt ~

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The Next Day..

Sonic POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. The sheets were ruffled, and there was a white substance on the blanket. I looked in front of me in horror to see a sleeping Amy Rose in my arms with no clothes on.. at all. I lifted the blanket we were under to see that I didn't have any clothes either. And with that, all the events from last night struck me in the head like a bullet. 

I quickly jumped out of the bed and backed into a wall. When I hit the wall, I looked around for my clothes and threw them on. I tried to go outside of the room, but I couldn't. It was locked. I started punching and kicking the door. I didn't want to be near that psychopath when she woke up. Eventually the door gave in, and broke down. I walk towards the living room to see two chairs next to the door.

One chair had Tails tied up to it, the other, Rouge was tied up. They were both asleep, and Tails' muzzle fur was dried from what seemed to be tears. I walked over to them, untying them both. I scooped up Tails and ran to our house. I then laid him in his bed and locked his door, the window, and the front door. Then, I ran back to Rouge's house. 

I lightly shook her and her eyes peeled open. "Oh hey Sonic.." She said groggily. "Wait, Sonic?! How did you get out? "And how did I get free? "And where's Tails?!" She asked. "Calm down! I kicked the door down, then untied you both and brought Tails to my house so he'd be safe." I answered. 

"Anyway, do you know anything about what's going on with Amy?" She shook her head. "Not much. But I do know that she kidnapped Shadow and brought him to Eggman's lair." I clenched my fist. "Damnit!" I yelled, punching a wall. "Woah! Calm down, Bl-" I cut the bat off. "No! I won't calm down! I just found out my boyfriend was missing, then was raped by a psychopath, and now I find out that that psychopath took him to Eggman's lair!" I yelled. 

Rouge stood up and grabbed my shoulders. "Hey! Listen to me! I know, yesterday was really rough on you, but you have to stay strong! We'll find Shadow and bring him home, safely. And we'll get Amy and Eggman arrested. But you have to stay calm." She let go of my shoulders and reached her hand out. "Are you with me?" I took her hand and shook it, nodding. "Yes ma'am." I grinned.

Rouge and I walked into the bedroom where Amy was sleeping. "Oh my.." Rouge said covering her mouth. I lowered my ears as flashbacks filled my mind. Rouge then grabbed the blanket Amy was sleeping under and wrapped her up in it like a burrito, then picked her up and threw her in the bathroom, locking the door. She then continued to clean the room as I thought of a plan.

After a few minutes spent cleaning and thinking we finally had a somewhat well thought out strategy. "Do you know which way Eggman's base is?" I asked. Rouge nodded, then pointed left. "Down that road, it's a few acres off from Station Square. It might take us a few hours to get there though, even with your speed." I nodded. "It's worth a shot." Then we left to find Shadow.

I'm coming Shadow.. I'm coming.


I woke up in the bathroom, wrapped up in a blanket. "What the-" I said before gettng out of the burrito someone put me in and tried to open the door. "Damn. It's locked," I grabbed my piko piko hammer out of hammer space and knocked it down. "Nevermind." I said, spinning the hammer on my finger. 

I walked out of the bathroom and threw on my dress and boots. I then walked out to the front door and saw it open, along with two empty chairs next to it. 

"No! Damnit!" I yelled. "They must be heading to Eggman's base." I pondered, tapping my foot. "It should take them about an hour and a half to get there the way they're going, so I'll have to take the shortcut." 

I ran out the door, hammer in hand. "I'm coming my little hedgy." I giggled. 

"You can run, but you can't hide!"

Shadow POV

1 hour later..

I woke up about an hour before the worse happened. Curse that damn monitor, following Sonic everywhere. I wanted to hang that damn pink rat's head on my wall! Eggman saw my anger and came over. "Calm yourself Shadow. Anger doesn't look good on the Ultimate Life Form." He said. "Oh, shut it, Robotnik! You don't know what I'm feeling right now." I clenched my fist. He rolled his eyes and walked back over the corner he had been in. 

Just then the door opened to show non other then Amy Rose. "Ah there you are." Eggman said, looking up from his magazine. "They're.. coming.." She said, out of breath. "You bastard!" I yelled "Here we go.." She mumbled. "Why the hell would you do that, you psyhcopath?!" I was tempted to try to use Chaos Blast, but I don't have an emerald so it would use my own energy instead, and that could be fatal, or at least put me in a coma.

"Because I felt like it." She answered simply. "Now, I think it's about time for your playtime." She smiled, walking over to the pile of weapons. As soon as she said that, Eggman backed out of the room and closed the door. "No.. please.. I'll do anything!" I pleaded. "No you won't." She shook her head. "Hm, what shall we start off with today?" She said grazing her finger on each weapon. "Ah! You!" She gripped onto the whip and turned to face me.

"Ready to play?"

Sonic POV

We've running for at least an hour. Well, it started with me running and Rouge flying, then her wings got tired so she started running, but eventually she couldn't keep up, so now she's just on my back like a 5 year old.

"There! Straight ahead!" Rouge called, pointing to a tall building in the distance. When we came up in front of it, I let her down and scoped the area for cameras or badniks. When the coast was clear, we snuck inside. As soon as we stepped in, we heard screaming. It wasn't a female scream, it was the scream of.. a man. They were calling, "No, please stop! Please I'll do anything! Make it stop!" Over and over between the screams. It didn't take long before I realized who it was.

Me and Rouge looked at each other in horror, then ran towards the cries of pain.

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