~Chapter 18 ~ Torture ~

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Sonic POV

We were flying for what felt like forever before we finally came upon Rouge's house. As soon as we landed, I banged on the door as hard as my hands would let me. "Rouge? Are you home? It's an emergency!" I called through the door. The door finally opened to reveal a pink hedgehog standing before me. "Amy? What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"Well, me and Rouge were just.. having some girl time. What brings you here?" She replied. "An emergency. I really need to talk to Rouge about it," I answered. "We're kinda in a rush so if you could just get her-" "Why, of course! I'll go get her, just wait here." Amy answered, cutting me off. She shut the door behind her, and moments later it opened back up, this time a chair sitting in front of it, and in the chair was Rouge, tied up. 

"Wha-" I was cut off by a muffled speech from Rouge before Amy moved her aside, motioning for us to come in. "Uh, no thank you Amy." Tails said nervously, grabbing my arm. "Yeah, see you lat-" I was cut off once more by Amy grabbing me and Tails' arms and pulling us inside on the couch, slamming the door behind us. She tied Tails to another chair next to Rouge, and threw me inside a bedroom, locking the door. 

Tails POV

That jerk! This isn't the Amy I know! What happened to her? I thought. Wait.. did she find out about Sonic and Shadow? No way! That's impossible! They told me they only told me and Rouge, and why would Amy spy on them? Ahg! None of this makes any sense! 

I looked at Amy as she walked away from the room and into the kitchen. She opened a few drawers, looking for something. "Aha!" She smiled. "Now, Rouge. Tell me, why on Mobius would you have a syringe filled with a drug to make people.. do as you say..?" Amy giggled maniacally, turning around to show us the syringe. I looked at Rouge. She wasn't guilty of what Amy says she is. I could tell by her face. Amy must've put that in the drawer after she kidnapped her.

Amy then walked over to Rouge, grazing her finger over the bat's shoulder and chest. "Hm. Perhaps it's just because your a worthless hooker." Amy grinned. "Bound to screw around with any drunk male your little beady eyes land on." Rouge's eyes widened as she heard the words flow from the hedgehog's mouth. Her ears lowering slightly, and her eyes slightly filling with tears.

Amy then looked over at me. "And you." She said, walking over. "Why do you hang out with Mobians of.. prey?" Amy asked, twirling my hair around her finger. "Is it because your a fox? Just a simple predator, searching for his next meal." Steam was coming out of my ears. "Do you know how many fables have a fox as the bad guy? The world has warned us not to trust foxes, yet the 'brother' of Mobius' hero is indeed.. a fox." Amy's words flowed from her mouth and into my ears, making me lower them slightly.

"I'll let you two think on that." She said, walking towards the door she locked Sonic into. 

"I have some.." She raised the syringe to her face. "..business, to take care of."

Sonic POV

I heard everything. Her calling Rouge a worthless hooker, and Tails an untrustworthy fox. It was disgusting. To think I saved her from being killed at the hands of my robotic counterpart so many years ago. 

I heard footsteps coming my way. I looked towards the door as it opened to reveal the wicked witch of the west herself, Amy Rose. She closed the door behind her, and locked it once more. "What do you want?" I growled. "Hush, puppy." She replied, walking towards the bed. I followed her with my eyes as she made the bed. I raised an eyebrow. What is she doing? I thought. She then turned to me, and walked over. She reached on a shelf behind me, and grabbed a collar. I gulped. I don't like where this is going.. She reached around my neck and put the collar on me, patted my head, then lifted me up into the air by the collar.

I grasped for air and squirmed in her grasp, before she threw me down to the bed. She then pinned me down with only her legs, and pulled a syringe out of her pocket. "Ready to play, pet?" She said, before injecting me with the syringe. 

Then suddenly, I lost all feeling in my arms and legs. It was like I couldn't control what happened..

Then, the worse moment in my life..


Rouge's POV

I shook my head. That hedgehog doesn't know what she's saying! I thought. I looked around. I gotta get me and the guys out of here. But how? Me and Tails are tied up while Amy's in the locked bedroom with Sonic. Heh, and she called me a hooker. I giggled. I looked around, trying to ignore the disturbing sounds coming from the room. While looking, I saw Tails. He looked scared and disturbed. I lowered my ears slightly. Poor little thing. He's too young to hear this. 

Just then, I remembered the pocket knife I kept on me. I tried to reach my pocket to grab it, but I couldn't. But I could get the mask off. I shook my head up, down, left, and right, and eventually the mask on my mouth came off. I turned to Tails, who was doing the same thing, along with covering his ears with his twin tails. 

"Hey buddy. Everything is going to be alright. Trust me. You know Sonic, and you know that he'll stay stron-" I was cut off by the small fox cub. "No! He won't! You're right about me knowing him, but you're also wrong! Sonic told me everything." He looked down. "He only acts cocky and full of himself to hide the fear. Every time he sees Eggman and his robots he gets a chill down his spine. His trademark smile is just a mask to hide the pain and fear he feels deep down. If he can just barely stand face to face with a bunch of weak robots, then he will be broken by this!" The fox's eyes streamed with tears. 

"Tails.." I sighed. "I understand, but I think a bunch of evil robots is worse then.. this, at least a little bit. I'm sure he'll be fine. Trust me." I smiled.

"If you say so.."

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