Next to the door they entered through was a set of stairs leading up to the second floor. It was too dark to make out what was upstairs.

"Am I dreaming?" Charlie whispered in awe. They looked as if they had just stepped into a pocket of personal paradise.

The woman who had been leading them hobbled over to the center table and began to straighten it out; returning tools to their homes, piling even more sketches, and tossing scraps into a bin underneath.

She chuckled at Charlie's reaction. "No, dear, this is real. I hope you find something you like upstairs."

Cleo was getting both nervous and immensely curious about whatever lay upstairs.

"Should they head up now?" Remie asked the woman, nodding towards the staircase.

"Yes, yes, of course," the woman replied. She straightened out her t-shirt and walked over to them. "How rude of me, I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Marlowe, pleasure to meet you all." She shook each of their hands with both of her own. The trio introduced themselves, although it seemed that Marlowe already knew them.

"I do hope you find something perfect," she said. Gesturing upstairs, she told them, "There's a curtained area for you to change, and I'm sure Remilda would be more than happy to help you."

"I'll do my best," Remie said, her smile never leaving her lips.

"I'll leave you to it, then," Marlowe said, stepping back and shooing them up the stairs. As usual, Cleo took the front, climbing the stairs into the mysterious second floor.

When she reached the top, she heard a call from below, "There's a light switch on the wall to your right!"

Cleo fumbled around on the wall and found the small switch. Flicking it on, seeing the room made her jaw drop.

Rack and racks of clothes of all kinds. Gowns in every color, suits of every kind, jackets and slacks of every size. On one side of the room, three squares were curtained off to create dressing rooms.

Cleo wandered forward through the rows of exquisite clothing, running her hand over the racks and examining the occasional dress. By the stairs, Charlie stood paralyzed with shock while Andy stood next to them, grinning like mad. Remie had to push them forward into the room so she could climb off the stairs.

"You've really outdone yourself recently, Marlowe!" she called down the stairs.

"Thank you, dear!" Marlowe's soft voice barely drifted up the stairs.

Remie faced the trio, placing her hands on her hips. "So. See anything you like?"

Charlie's jaw dropped further, if that was possible. "You mean..." they trailed off, surveying the room.

"You guys up for a fashion show?" Remie responded, clearly loving this.

"Did she make all this herself?" Cleo called from behind a rack of suits in every color and style.

"Marlowe? Well, she has help, but I'd guess she does the most work. She's the best there is."

"What are we waiting for?" Andy demanded, striding into the array of clothes with absolute delight.

They spent the better part of half an hour wading through all the choices, occasionally holding something up to get the others' opinions. It was a welcome distraction. For a time it felt normal, back before the events of the week unfolded. It was like an average Friday afternoon, hanging out and talking about nothing in particular. 

After a comment on time from Remie, the trio took a dressing room each. They all heaved a pile of their top choices, agreeing to come out at the same time to show off their options.

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