Chapter 2

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It was the next day and Hope and Landon were waiting at the front of the school with the rest of the school for Hope's family to arrive.

"Are you sure you're okay, you didn't look well this morning?"

"Landon, I'm fine I just had a slight headache nothing to worry about" Hope gave him small smile and kissed him in the lips

"Ugh, get a room you two, not all of us want to see you two drool over each other" Lizzie said as she, Josie, Caroline and Alaric joined them at the front of the school to welcome the parents.

Hope and Landon looked at the family and they all laughed.

"Hope, you and the twins still okay to sing those three songs we talked about?" Ric asked her

"Yeah and then we are gonna do the super squad introduction before we split off for the tour." Hope replied

"Let's just hope nothing goes wrong."

"Please don't jinx us Landon" Caroline replied, just then the school gates opened and two black range rovers drove up the driveway

"Here we go" Hope whispered as Caroline and Alaric stepped forward with Hope while Landon, Lizzie and Josie stood behind them.

When the cars parked and eight people stepped out of them Hope had a big smile on her face as her dad Klaus, her mom Hayley, Her uncle Kol and aunt Davina stepped out of the first one while her uncle Marcel and aunts Rebekah, Freya and Keelin stepped out of the second one and they all walked to the front door and stopped in front of Caroline and Alaric.

"Welcome to the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted's family weekend."

"Thank you for having us, Caroline" Hayley replied

"Mom, dad" Hope said as she hugged her mom and dad then all her aunts and uncles, once she greeted them all Caroline and Alaric moved on to welcome other parents while Hope introduced them to Josie, Lizzie and Landon.

Once introductions were done they all made their way into the main hall of the school for the meeting. 

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