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The gardener did not even introduce herself to the new AU pair. She barely acknowledged her at all. Simply treated her as if she'd always been there. The others in the room just assumed they'd already met. Which.. if she were honest was how the AU pair felt when she first saw the young woman.

If I'm honest, it was like a blur, it was like I was a ghost, like the gardener couldn't see me. I wanted her to acknowledge me, but she didn't. The brunette was slumped in her chair eating a forkful of food, as to everyone else, it was awfully silent and Dani didn't like it. Time passed, and once everyone ate she took their plates in, placing them on the side to be cleaned, she leaned on the counter facing the wingrave children. "Alright you two, I expect hands washed, teeth brushed and PJs on! I'll be up in 10 minutes to check! Now run along!"

"Miss Clayton, may i play with my dolls for a little while? I promise to be perfectly behaved!" Flora exclaimed, hoping for a yes.

It took awhile for Dani to process and she couldn't go and say no. It'd be rather harsh on the little girl. "Oh go on then, but PJs on first and teeth brushed!"

Flora jumped with such enthusiasm. "Yay, why thank you Miss Clayton!" A little wave added as she made way to her room.

A chuckle escaped from the mouth of her own, along with Owen and Hannah, Jamie didn't interact, not even one bit. She ate her food then supposedly left, i guess. It was weird but maybe she'd try interacting with her another day. Maybe it was the wrong time, or maybe even the wrong place.

Dani had been left bewildered. "What's with her?" She asked with such progression. She wanted to know more about her and why she seemed so distant, and most importantly not introducing herself like the others. "Oh, Jamie you mean? She's always been like that. Give it some more time, she's lovely really." Hannah said with a gentle smile.

Jamie. What a beautiful name for a gardener. Dani wanted to speak to her ever so badly, so she made her cue and rushed after her outside. She saw the brunette outside with a watering can in one hand and bucket of soil in the other, with her pretty overalls on. "Jamie.. is it?" Dani asked with a panting breath after running to find her. "I saw your flowers and can I just say they are very breathtaking." The blonde gulped as she moved closer to how would she react.

The brunettes face turned towards the blondes, just when you called her name. Your pretty blue eyes were gazing at hers. Placing her watering can on the floor and her bucket of soil too, she shoved her hands inside her pockets and let out a small sigh. "Oh- you liked them? I'm glad you do actually, it's nice that someone actually realised round here you know, no one usually gives a crap." She laughed, admittedly trying to cheer herself up from a blank day she had.

"Well, I too shall say there beautiful, I see that you put a lot of dedication and effort into them."

"Yeah i do, but I'm glad you like them, Dani? Is that right? The new AU pair of course." Placing a hand out to shake yours, a little smile grew slowly on her face.

"Yes, that's right" Dani already had the biggest grin on her face in which she couldn't resist. Already meeting new people she felt a lot better in herself, her hand reached out and softly attached to hers, holding on to what felt like forever. Her hand was warm and inviting, not even realising how long they'd been greeting for, a chuckle escaped from both their mouths.

"Well, if your not busy I've got a little game set up for the kiddos, just for some entertainment if you fancy joining?" Dani asked with a smile as she placed a strand of her own hair behind her ear.

"Oh a game, I'm totally up for it!" Jamie smiled softly with a little laugh adding at the end.

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