Chapter 2: Art Class

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A/N: I'm really sorry for never updating this fic. Life was getting in the way. But I'll try to continue it, and I hope you all enjoy reading this.


Chapter 2: Art Class

Bella's POV

I felt like the ground beneath me; shake, when suddenly he glanced at me right after he answered someone that called him earlier. Oh my God, he noticed me! He NOTICED me! And he noticed me staring at him! What should I do now?!

Instead of running, I stood there, with my eyes opened widely, staring at that gorgeous face. I didn't realize that my eyes started traveling along his gorgeous bronze silky hair, once again. And then travelled down to his thick black eyebrows. And his eyes, now I can see what color they were: the most beautiful green eyes that I'd ever seen in my whole life.

My body was trembling and my heart started beating so fast when I met his eyes. Those beautiful eyes... I could feel that I was lost. I was drowned inside those green eyes. I could feel my feet start to become like jelly. I couldn't stand on my feet properly. My heart beat was going faster and faster each time I saw his eyes. I could even hear jumping sound inside.

I continued traveling along his face, once again. His nose, his perfect jaw, and his pink rose lips... I saw them starting to move. Oh no! It started to make a smile! I could feel my heart jump even faster and made a very loud sound. People could probably hear it from a mile away.

Wait, what? No... don't tell me that he can hear that sound as well!

My cheeks were burning red. Even if I couldn't see it, I could feel it. I felt them burning and it was embarrassing as hell. With a quick move, I turned around so that he couldn't see my burning cheeks. I was already embarrassed that I was caught staring at him. If he knew that his eyes made my heart jump and his smile made my cheeks burn, what would he think of me?! I closed my eyes and tried to manage my breath. I took a very deep breath. I tried to manage my emotion but I couldn't. Damn, who is he to make this effect on me?!

Oh, yes I forgot that he was an angel. A very beautiful angel. Of course he could do this to me, couldn't he? I managed to take a very deep breath once more, trying to make my nervousness fade. Finally I felt calmer. I opened my eyes and slowly made my way back to where I came from. I was hesitant to look back at him. I was afraid that he wouldn't be there anymore.

When I arrived at my previous spot, the bell rang. I sighed in relief. It was the first time I felt so relieved hearing the school's bell ring. Well, if you ask me why, the answer would be: the bell saved my life. Or, even better, it helped me escape from that angelic face that looked straight at me a few minutes ago. I needed to escape. Yes, I must escape from those glorious eyes.


Art. Just one more subject and I could go home. The first day of school wasn't too tiring, but it wasn't too interesting either. Geography and History were boring as hell. I was trying to focus on those subjects more than 2 times but I ended up creating some cartoon pictures on my book. Those two subjects could probably be more interesting if the teachers could make us interested in it. But they failed.

I closed my book and sighed an exhausted way. I slowly walked out the class and made my way to the last class today. It was located on the second floor, third room from the right side. I walked very slowly, I didn't have energy anymore. All I wanted was to lay on my bed, listening to the songs played on my iPod.

I stood up in front of the door that had "Art" written on it. The door was opened. It means the teacher hasn't come yet. I walked inside and found out that the class was full and so crowded. How could it be possible? I mean, do the students really love this subject? Well, as for me, art was better than history.

I looked through the entire class, trying to find an empty seat. It was very difficult to find one, since everyone was hanging around, not sitting in their proper seats. With the big effort, I finally found an empty seat at the back. I ran there quickly, not wanting anyone else to steal that place from me. I sighed when I reached there and sat calmly, waiting the teacher to come.

A couple of minutes later, someone was entering the class with a huge smile on his face. The next second I knew he was the art teacher. First impression: he's young, he's energetic, he's kind-hearted, and he's sort of handsome. I smiled at that thought in my head. This subject would be very interesting I guess. And note to myself: study hard for art!

The teacher's name was Whitlock. Jasper Whitlock. He never forgot to smile even for a second. His explanations were so clear. I could understand every little word he said. Later, he wanted us to write on a piece of paper, describing our dream in a short sentence. I opened my book and got a piece of paper from it. I started to think about my dream. I kept thinking while playing with my pen, when suddenly I noticed a very familiar face not too far from where I sat

My eyes widen when I realized who the person I recognize was. He sat on my right with a girl blocking us. I noticed he was staring at me and started to smile. I completely forgot to breathe.

That angel is in my class. And he's studying with us.

God, please don't let me overreact of this sudden situation. I never ever prepared for this.

My heart started beating faster now. I wasn't aware that my mouth opened widely along with my eyes. And I wasn't aware that I kept staring at him. Amazed, nervous, curious. All became one. I didn't notice the people around me until a soft voice from Mr. Whitlock woke me up from my unconsciousness.

I looked at the teacher that stood up in front of me. I managed to clear my throat to decrease my nervous feeling.

"Um, yes, Mr. Whitlock?" I said.

"Have you done your task?" He asked with smile.

"Um, not yet. It... it hasn't been finished, yet." I said and looked down at my paper. My cheeks started to burn. There's nothing on my paper. I haven't written anything. I was just thinking few moments ago when that angel distract me. Crap!

Mr. Whitlock smiled knowingly, and said he will give me three minutes more to write down my task. I just nodded and continue thinking about my dream.


After thinking so hard, I finally managed to write something. Well, I could've written anything though, since it doesn't matter to me. Mr. Whitlock just told us to write anything. He then continued explaining the lesson but he made it way too interesting for me to call it a lesson. He teaches a very different way. Oh, how I wished all the teachers could be that creative.

All the time I wished I could stare to my right. I wished that I could see Edward. But I had no courage to do it. I was just listening to Mr. Whitlock and writing the important things on my paper, nodding if I understood something and smiled when Mr. Whitlock smiled. I was just... too weak to look to my right. I couldn't do that. I could never have done that, during that time.

The bell rang for the last time. And it was my sign to run out of this class. I wanted to get home real quick. I made my way to the locker where I put all my things. I put my books in it and took my bag and my guitar. I glanced up to the mirror that lied inside the locker. Ugh, my poor face! I wonder how I would be in a year. Maybe like a zombie.

I closed the door and locked the locker with a random number that became my password. After feeling that everything's safe, I sighed and turned around. But what happened next was a very unbelievable situation. I couldn't think about anything. I couldn't breathe. I forgot how to breathe. There stood Edward in front of me, towering me, making it difficult to look at his face. All I could do was stand there, looking up at his eyes, memorizing all of the beautiful curves on his face that just inches away from mine. He smiled softly and that made me feel dizzy. I guess my feet will be like jelly soon.

"I see you play guitar?" He asked me, still keeping that smile. His soft voice only made me even weaker.


A/N: are you curious? ;) wait for the next chapter. and if you enjoy this story, please spread the world so that people will enjoy this too. thanks. :)

Love, S

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2015 ⏰

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