where i am?

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Whilling I was walking our of class I saw shuichi right next to the door! it kind of creeped me put especially what after what he did earlier. "Kokichi k was wondering where you were!" Said shuichi. "Oh yeah I was studying extra for a test you know I'm bad at math nishishi" I said. "Oh yeah also can you meet me in the janitor closet after lunch please kokichi?" Said shuichi. "But you know I hate small places and the janitor office is a small place! But I guess I will meet you there...." I said. "Thank you kokichi!" Said shuichi hugging me. "No problem and your really tall shuichi." I said. "I know right like it's cool being tall tho." Said shuichi. We both walked to lunch and I grabbed my lunch and sat down and ate it. "Yo kokichi!" Yelled kaito. "I can hear you from here kaito." I said. Kaito was adout to sit next to me but shuichi immediately took his spot and look up at kaito and smiled. "Oh ummmm sorry shuichi if that was your spot..." said kaito. "Its okay......." said shuichi looking at kaito. Kaito sat the other side around and started to talk to us but shuichi wasnt saying anything he was just looking at kaito like he want to hurt him it was creeping me out. And then the bell rang it was time for class but I had to meet shuichi so I chose shuichi.......which was my biggest mistake. I walked into the janitor closet and got a bit scared it was tiny and had alot of cleaning supplies and a big case that could fit a human inside of there I looked around for shuichi but I didnt see him he was probably late so I decided to leave maybe he is in class or something I walk behind me and I saw shuichi looking at me. "Wait your ruining the fun kokichi~" said shuichi and he pinned me to a wall and put tape on my mouth and then I felt a sharp pain in my back making me pass out. Did he drug me?

kidnapped by your own boyfriend (yandere shuichi x kokichi)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora