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"You're leaving." It's a statement said without caresses and feelings.

"Yes," he replies in his usual coldness. She watches him button his shirt before he puts on the robes.

"You're as much as a riddle as your name implies, hm?" She smiles at him, making no move to cover her bare body.

"And you're as much as a puritan as your name implies, yes?"

Agnes smiles wider at that. "Goodbye, Tom Riddle."

He merely nods at her before leaving.

(arched backs, skin on skin, hands clawing at sheets)

Her smile falters.

"Where do you keep disappearing off to?" Hans asks her, hands not leaving Mirrosa's body. "Shagging someone again?"

"You shouldn't be one to talk when you're screwing her." Agnes points at Mirrosa. "And she's a professor too, at that."

"You kids need to learn some respect," Mirrosa says with a lazy smile. "I can put you in detention anytime."

"And I can have you fired, Professor Cronin."

Mirrosa raises her champagne filled glass with a smirk and Agnes proceeds to clink it with her glass. Agnes is 16, Hans is 17, and Mirrosa, 19. She didn't know who Hans was until a few months earlier. They'd had sex once and then again the next week before he told her that he had met the "love of his life" and that they should stop. The love of his life turned out to be Professor Mirrosa Cronin and despite Agnes's initial criticism at a teacher-student romance she quickly calmed it down when she recalled the age difference.

"You do realize that there may be a possibility you both will be caught?" Agnes raises an eyebrow.

"The Room of Requirement never snitches, darling." 

Agnes winces at the 'darling'. When Mirrosa and Hans kiss for the umpteenth time she quickly sprints to the door. "I'm leaving you lovebirds alone."
They pay no attention.

They think of her as a friend. They think of her as someone they can count on. They're foolish but she keeps them around for they love to reach out to her cold hands, her cold hands which pull their strings without them knowing, without them realizing. It works for her, as well as for them.

Siamo al mondo per esseri veri, non perfetti.

We are in this world to be real, not perfect.

One of the few useful things her mother taught her.

"Are you free tonight?" Trystia Selwyn asks her, her lips puckered up hopefully. She's a doll in every aspect.

Not tonight. Tonight, you're mine.

I told you to stop doing that.

"I'm not free tonight," she tells Trystia. Tonight, Agnes is Tom Riddle's.

Her eyes never meet his and that's alright because she can definitely feel the tension swim to her bones, and Slughord walking around doesn't disturb it.

Tonight she'll show Tom Riddle how wrong he is.

And later when it's close to midnight she finds him leaning against the wall inside the Room of Requirement and she thinks nothing when their lips meet in a frenzied waltz, hands exploring each and every place, stardust shaking into their cores and they experience raw ether as they fall on the mattress.

It's just as perfect as the first time they did it.

"You're my favourite person to fuck," she whispers.

Tom chuckles huskily before kissing her neck.

(scratches, marks, and love bites)

She closes her eyes and lets pleasure wrack her body.


He always keeps a distance once they're finished. Unlike other people, he never touches her once they're done. Agnes doesn't care.

"Still no feelings for me?" she teases.

"I'm not weak." His reply is chaste as always.

"Okay, Tom Riddle." She rolls her eyes. "You haven't answered the question, though." 

"And I don't need to because you very well know that I am incapable of having worthless emotions."

Every thing about him is beautiful, every thing about him is frightening.

He'd made it clear the first time they did it; that she was just a passtime and a way for him to relieve his stress. She doesn't mind being used like that so she didn't see any point in not agreeing with the deal.

"You're rather stressed lately," she remarks.

"Thank you for the much asked observation," he mutters dryly.

"Just making conversation," she shrugs. After a few minutes she decides to tie her hair and she doesn't miss his eyes flitting to her cleavage before looking away.

"You have a dark aura around you," she notes. "It's attractive."


He leaves first, as always.
And she stays back for a couple more hours, as always.

not my first chapter being short but aNywho this is just an experiment kind of thing so lets see where this goes lol

FLORICIDE| tom riddle Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant