3 years later

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Paul and I have been married for 3 years and we couldn't be happier. 2 years into our marriage we found out i was pregnant and having a beautiful baby boy who we named Axel Apollo Lahot. Paul is still guarding the triable land and everyone on it but also works as a part time mechanic with the rest of the guys.

Axel is now a year old and is learning fast. He said his first word, which was mama, two weeks ago and is now trying to talk in full sentences. He is already walking and has for two months now.

Emily and Sam are expecting their first little one which is going to be a girl. Jacob amd nessy are getting married finally. And everyone else is either the same as they were or they are growing their family.

My family are the same. They all moved down here to forks to be closer but we all still go and race either in port Angeles or on the small strip outside of town.

Now why dont i stop telling you about whats happened and start letting you know what is happening.

-Paul's pov-

I am out on patrol thinking about everything thats happened the last three years. First i got married to my beautiful imprint, then we got a beautiful and big house and lastly we have our son Axel. I then remember that Piper has been acting strange, i fell like shes hiding something. Ill have to ask her about it tonight when i get home.

After an hour of patrolling the grounds and Seth taking over i started home. Once i hit the back yard i shifted and put on my shorts and walked inside

"Im home" i called out.

"Daddy!" I hear Axel yell out and slowly walks out of the kitchen door with something in his hand.

"Hey buddy! What do you got there in your hand?" I asked him as i picked him up

Axel handed me a small black and white photo but as i properly look at it i can see that its an ultrasound photo like the one we got of Axel when Piper was pregnant.

I walk into the kitchen with my son on my hip and see Piper making dinner, which smelled like orange chicken.

"Hunny why did you have Axel bring me your ultrasound of when you were pregnant with him?" I asked her and i can see her chuckle

"Look at the date on the photo dear" she says to me not looking over. I set Axel down and he runs off to the corner that has toys for him and i look at the date.

-Piper's pov-

I sneak a look over my shoulder and see Paul in shock but also i can see a glow in his eyes. I place the vegetables that i was cutting up in their bowl and place my knife down them walk over to him.

"your pregnant" he finally asks looking into my eyes with a smile

"Yes, Sue confirmed it a week ago" i told him smiling.

Paul got so excited he lifted me up and spun around laughing. I couldn't help laugh with him. After Paul sets me back down Axel comes over to us and asked to be picked up.

-time skip (12 weeks)-

I am laying on a hospital bed with sue getting an ultrasound of the baby. Paul had to be on patrol and Axel is with his cousins at the park with my brother, sister, sister in law and brother in law.

"Alright dear, would you like to know the gender or would you like it to be a surprise?" Sue asks me

"I want it to be a surprise but Paul wants to know the gender for the nursery" i let her know while she takes some photos for us

"Alrighty ill send him a text so he knows when he get off" she smiles at me and cleans off my stomach.

" here are the photos and yes the gender in on the photos so don't look" (idk if this is true everyone) Sue explains to me and i leave the doctors office to head home.

I take the new ultrasound photos to the nursery where i grab the baby book i got at the store and place them in it next to the last ones. I write down the date next to then and close the book and put it on the small shelf in the room leaving the pin next to it so that Paul can write down the gender of baby #2. I cant wait to meet our newest member of the family!

-authers note-

784 words. Im so sorry i haven't written in a while. Please give baby name suggestions. Ill leave this up for a few days for everyone to post a name(s) then post the winner. Love u all

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