"Ajax, what liquor?" Pointing at Fauna saying no in mime way. He says, "Oh, right! No no no no... no liquor uh orange juice" Maysilee stands up and speaks to a weird-looking servant "orange juice?" And gives her a wink, and the Avox comes in with a bottle of dark purple alcohol called 'wine,' and the servant also brings a pint of orange juice.

Maysilee And I say, "Here Here!" Ajax says, "here's to the probability of our death!" And we all say, "here!" Except Effie, of course, because she's not experiencing any death anytime soon. Fauna shouts, "here's to orange juice, and for for the first time, I have had it!" And we say all at the same time, "Here here!" Later in the evening, we all are drunk and tired... I had never gotten drunk before, and the feeling was so weird. We must have spent 3 hours drinking and talking about random things... like why dogs are the most peculiar animals, how orange is the ugliest color, and last but not least, is water wet?. Effie says as she almost trips over her heel, "fauna dear, it is time to brush your hair, put on your cream, and go to bed" Fauna replies, "Effie, do you feel good.. and whats cream?" Effie replies, "Cream is pate you put on your face, to make it shine and well, of course, I feel fine" as she trips over the table, she continues, "Time to go to bed" Maysilee, Fauna, and Effie go to Maysilee and Faunas room. Ajax and I both sneak into our cart, two beds lined with a white tablecloth and a set of pajamas on top. We both get dressed and fall on our grounds and go right to sleep. Later in the night, I hear Effie talking to Maysilee and Fauna in their room about hair, make-up, and the latest capital trends. They talk about the university, the lights, the coffee, the styles, and how 'fabulous' everything is. But then the lights turn off, and I don't know much about Effie, but she seems mysterious. Stuck up but different. Arrogant but different. I fall right asleep, and in my dream, I am in Last years hunger games., there are all the tributes from last year, and the cornucopia is striped on a tree like a house. I climb up to the top, but as soon as I get there, Victor Lily Tomson stabs me last year and falls down the tree, and wakes up panting.

I Go to the bathroom, and I hear some sniffle... a sort of pleading I would listen to a couple of days before the reaping when Gran and Mom would start their tantrums. I try opening the door, but the voice says, "give me a minute, please," I say, "ok?" The cry ends, and I hear a loud blow. Is it Effie? I ask myself. Could it be this selfish little capitol teenager crying on a train... she just spent 5+ hours talking about make-up hair and trends... Drinking with us, and she's crying. That's stupid.

I come to think maybe Alma was right. Perhaps she also teaches others to fake their emotions and hides, so we don't feel pressured and not comfortable. The door slides open, and Effie says, "yes... Haymitch," I reply "yes, Effie... I'm waiting for you to get out," she says, wiping her tears off her face. "I know," I say, "Then why did you say yes.... Haymitch?" She says, "well, you were leaning on the door," I say, "I was waiting, and it is 4:30 in the morning, but anyways ....are you ok. Like you seemed so fine plus whats the stuff on your eyebrows you look insane" she replies "bleach," I say "whats bleach? It smells awful, my gosh," She says, "it burns off the color of things, like hair, clothing it is a very very intense chemical. I have been told it can almost kill somebody, and it really hurts, hints the tears, but also I am going to lose maybe all of you in 2 weeks... I shouldn't be getting attached; nevertheless, be here talking to you. I don't know if I am prepared for that. And well, one thing about capitol people and how our culture works is—" I say, cutting her off.

"A) why your eyebrows B)your not capitol, your still district C) awwwwww that's sweet," she says "A) it's the style AND let me continue my thought... in the capitol we are fake. We fake a lot to make others feel joy... I really had a lovely time tonight, but" I say "A) that's stupid B)but?" she says

"it's just hard. I miss my parents and my friends back home.." "well, hey, you're stuck with me for the next two weeks. I'm not going anywhere right now.. look, your not a tribute, so you have nothing to worry about, but now since well I don't know but let me welcome you are more apart of our team" Effie replies, "thank you, that sounded capitol" I reply "shut up." We both laugh. She says "yes, now I should be getting to bed" I respond "ah yes beauty sleep, or is beauty sleep more of a district 12 thing only.. oh wait I mean capitol... or was it district?" She replies "ah yes only district 12 that was so the last term... well goodnight Haymitch" I reply "night."

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