Can I get your name?

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You took a deep breathe as you walked to the table where your previous customers awaited you. As you stopped at the end of the table, the group stopped their conversation, and looked at you. An awkward silence filled the air, as you were too nervous to day anything.

"Uh...s-sorry for the wait! Can i t-take your drink orders?" You asked, your words quiet but fast spoken. The green haired boy looked at you with concern present in his eyes.

  The cute brown haired girl was the first to speak up. "Uh yeah, waters for all if us." She said. She sounds uncomfortable. Did i say sonething wrong? As you turned around to start towards the kitchen, you felt a strong hand grip you arm. The touch was firm but gentle.

"Before you go, are you okay?" You recognized the voice as the green haired boy. Hes being so gentle. You slowly turned your head to face him. As soon as your eyes met his, your breath hitched in your throat. Your mind started to drift to a wonderful place. A place where you could see color. Beautiful twinkling lights. In that place you could feel the joy of happiness just like everyone else. You wanted to stay in that place. It was the place you felt safe and the place you were comfortable being yourself. And it was all in a boys eyes.

As you came to your senses you suddenly felt a gentle shake to your left arm. "[Y/n]! You okay, babe?" You were met with the sight of Karunas hazel brown eyes. "Uh..." You couldn't bring yourself to say anything. It was like a bubble completely burst in your mind. "Y-yeah..." You managed to stutter out. "Are you sure?" You felt so bad. Karunas face showed clear concern.

Then you realized the grip on your arm from when the boy touched you was now gone. Your head shot towards the direction the boy once was to be met with a blank white wall. "Karuna, where did he go?!" You suddenly shouted, startling Karuna. "What are you talking about, baby?" She said softly. Karuna knew you were a little shaken up so, she didn't want to push you. "T-he boy..." you said a little quieter than before. "Are you talking about that cute green haired customer?" Karuna asked. You shook your head, eyes widly staring into Karunas. "Oh... he tried to get your attention, but you wouldn't answer him no matter how hard he tried. He seemed really worried when he brought you back here to me. He said you must have blacked out from lack of hydration." Karuna said lightly squeezing your shoulder. "You scared me, honey." Karuna then pulled you into a tight hug. "Karuna....""Yes sweety?""I....I-I want to see that boy again."

Time skip brought to you by my TERRIBLE sleep schedule

You stood outside of the doors of the number one hero: Deku's agency. Whenever you saw him at the cafe a couple days ago, you didn't even know who he was. How? I guess you were just so out of it you couldn't even think straight.

You took a few deep breaths and started toward the line of huge glass doors in front of you. Once you walked in you spotted a nice looking lady at an office desk. "Hello sweet girl, how may I help you?" The woman was gentle and soft spoken. She seems nice. "Um...I would like to have a meeting with....Deku..." You said quietly, your eyes glued to the checkered floor. "Okay, give me one second. I'll call his office and I'll let you know if he can see you now." The woman picked up the phone on her desk and dialed a number. Deep breaths [Y/n]. Deep breaths.

"Excuse me." You heard the lady speak up. "Hm?" You looked up to meet her gaze. "Can I get your name?"

I dont want to live anymore...[prohero!Deku x Female!reader]Where stories live. Discover now