"Hello Hermes, I've not seen you in quite some time" Saraswathi greeted a tensed Hermes in front of her.

The three celestial goddesses in sync waved their hands, suddenly the calming tunes of music flowed into the room, golden utensils and plates arranged itself on the table.

"What are we eating?" Ares asked

"We were hoping you would tell us. We didn't want to seem too pushy" Brahma replied

Not wanting to be out done the Olympian goddesses embellished the room and the table even more with both the Olympians and Celestials producing food of various kinds.

After they were done the Sangamam looked more like a great hall than the place where a meeting was being held.

"So Hermes you didn't answer my question. I hope our last encounter didn't leave you too rattled to speak to me" Saraswathi asked again.

"Oh nothing of that sort. I just didn't get a chance to reply with all this decorating going on." Hermes replied the tips of his ears going red.

"What exactly happened during your last encounter?" Ares asked

Before Apollo could protest Saraswathi answered "Oh nothing much. Hermes and I used to date but after a rough day in which one of my incarnations five sons were killed I was slightly enraged so when I saw Hermes kidding another mortal, I kinda over reacted"

"Define Over reaction" Apollo asked noticing the giggles and smirks on Hera's and the other three elder male gods faces.

"Oh I turned him into a Swan for a day" Saraswathi replied flippantly.

"You what!?!" All the other Gods exclaimed after they started laughing.

"And I'm really sorry for that" Saraswathi apologised with a sincere face which made Hermes forgive her immediately.

"Anyway let's discuss the reason for this meeting, shall we?" Athena asked.

"All in good time sweetheart. Rash decisions never last, you of all people should know that shouldn't you?" Krishna asked her winking at the goddess devilishly before raising his glass in acknowledgement before drinking the wine.

"Yes. But that reminds me where is Dionysus?" Shiva asked.

"Right here. I didn't know whether I should appear or not" Dionysus replied as he emerged from behind one of the grape vines that decorated the room.

"Well I think I speak for all the Celestials when I say this. We want to negotiate a real which will bring peace. Not when next year it's going to be a roller coaster ride" Parvathy said.

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Zeus asked

"All in good time, sweet thing" Krishna replied flirting slightly with Zeus who turned red, with embarrassment remembering their previous endeavours.

"Any way what my brethren want to say is that we won't cause a problem if you give us a trade of some sort" Brahma finally started taking after getting bored with this prolonged meeting.

"You can't have my lightning bolts or any weapons though." Zeus said

"Please, as of we need weapons from you youngsters. As for the lightning bolt, I've my own" Indra the king of the devas mocked Zeus

"Are you trying to insult us?" Hades asked

"No.. Nearly stating facts" Indra replied.

"OK. Let's stop this male macho-ness competition" Saraswathi said the same time Athena said "let's just not fight"

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